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I watched as Nick and his fiancée fought then she slapped him again and walked off. He sighed then followed after her. "Trouble in paradise for that one," I said to Anne who was now calling over the bartender and asking for a nonstop round of liquor. "Whoa Anne you don't need to do that," I tell her.

" Oh, buzz off party killer," she said and swatted at me like I was some fly. I sighed and watched her get drunk. It wasn't till some dude came to fill her up that I pushed him away and grabbed Anne's arm slung it over my shoulder and carried her out of the club.

" She ok?" Tommy asked as he walked with me to the car and opened the passenger side door. "Yea she is just drunk," I tell him as I buckle Anne in then shut the door and go over to the driver's side.

" Hey do you know where Nick ran off too?" he asked "Yea he ran after his pissed off fiancée," I tell him then get in and start up the car before pulling out and headed to my place. I looked in the rearview mirror and watched as Tommy hurried to his car and left in the opposite direction.

I managed to make it home after stopping a few times to let Anne puke. It was a task to get her inside, undressed, showered then into bed after I slipped on a pair of my night clothes on her. I grabbed a trash can and placed it next to the side of the bed before I grabbed Advil and water placing them on the bedside table and walked out.

I went right back to studying till my phone went off and this time it was Gabe video calling me. I pressed the green phone and smiled when I saw his face. "Hey baby" he greeted me, I can't tell you how happy I am to hear his voice. "Hi Gabe" I greeted back smiling like an idiot. " How are you doing since we talked last?" he asked I sighed then proceeded to tell him how my day was. "Well, I brought Anne back to my place so she can sleep. and to help her with her hangover."

" She drank that much in celebration?" I shook my head at the excuse Anne used to get wasted. "no, she got drunk after the guy she thought was real handsome turned out to have a fiancée." Gabe nodded his head "poor girl." I nodded my head in agreement.

" I plainly asked him if he was wanting her for sex which Anne didn't like and scolded me for it.to which the dude stood up for me and told Anne I was just looking out for her," I explained the rest of what happened that lead up to now.

We talked a little bit more until we got tired. After we hung up, I went to check on Anne and seen she was taking the Advil. "Are you ok Pumpkin?" I asked as I brushed her hair back and watched her groan and sink back into the bed. " That was way too much alcohol" she replied and I laughed. "I did warn you beforehand. and you didn't know that the guy had a fiancée he was wanting to cheat on." she sighed and rubbed her head while groaning.

"Yea I know. now try to relax and get some sleep ok," I tell her then cover her back up and walk out of the room and get into my own bed. I am ready to get college over with and get a job as a medic for a sports place or team. I am not really sure which one would be better though.

I went to take a shower and get ready for class tomorrow. I set an outfit out then set my alarm clock before I climbed in bed, read a little bit of my book before finally turning in.

Spiral Into My Heart (completed) (total update) (ITS NOT PERFECTLY WRITEN)Where stories live. Discover now