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After our heart to heart over dinner, we headed into the living room and talked more about our new journey. I told him I would still be a doctor and that when the chances come, I will do my best to bring our baby or babies to some home games so they can route their daddy on. "Maybe even put them in a tiny jersey with your name on it."

He told me that he will help as much he can when he is home and will always call and check in when he was away. Which I joked saying that isn't anything new. After we talked some more, we headed up to bed.

The next day we decided we was gonna go and visit some family and look at wedding venues while in Charleston so that is just what we did. I called into work and told them that I am taking a vacation. So now the second doctor in the office and my nurse practitioner will be taking care of the patients while I am away.

When we arrived both of our families was already together so that was much easier and made it where I wouldn't be dropped so Gabe could go see his family then come back to my mom's and step dad's place. We have been here with our families catching up and just spending time with them.

Today is one of the stressful wedding review days but at least we are with our family in Charleston so that makes the viewing of the venues, plantations, and everything easier. I have gone over the bridal arrangements, the flower setting, table settings, bouquets, and now I am working on the seating chart. so when we do find and pick the location then everything will be ready to go.

"Alright I scheduled a few views of plantations, and some venues," Gabe said after he got off the phone with the last plantation place. "Great when can we go look?" I asked eagerly and really excited. "Well we have the two venues tomorrow and three plantations the next day" he replied.

"Thank you so much baby," I said tilting my head up waiting for a kiss which he gladly gave me. "I told you I will help you when I am around and since we don't have a game this week, I can take some of the load off your shoulders" he reminded me.

I smiled and kissed him again then watched as our family walked into the kitchen to join us. "Alright, little sis time to clean this up and got get ready, we are taking the two of you for a night out.no wedding stressing or talk" my older brother Maverick said.

I nodded and started to gather up the stuff with Gabe's help before taking it up to the room we are in while we are here visiting.and put it in a file then in my suitcase so I don't misplace it. Once the wedding stuff was put away Gabe and I went and took a shower then got dressed.Once we were freshly cleaned and ready to go we headed back downstairs to leave with my brothers, his brothers, and sister.

I was honestly having a great night out with everyone. They took us to the movies, then to dinner before coming back and just hanging out at home relaxed . "The super bowl is after we get married so we decided to wait till after the super bowl to leave for our honeymoon," Gabe tells them. We agreed not to talk about the wedding but Maverick asked about the super bowl and how was that goanna work out with the honeymoon.

"Well yeah seeing as you're the quarterback who took the LA Chargers to the super bowl it would only make sense to play in it" his sister Ella said with a duh expression.

"Yes man, I mean it would be dumb to make it that far and not go to the super bowl," Maverick said like he didn't ask the question prior to Gabe's explanation.

" We are just telling you all our plan," I say helping Gabe out as he rubs my leg and smiles at me in thanks, I wink at him and turn back to our family. We changed topics when Benjamin my eldest brother brought up the playoff game Chargers vs Vikings and how Gabe faked the pass to Tucker and took off between four of the Viking players and scored the winning touchdown.

Once the boys started talking about football us girls tuned them out and started talking about how we would be going dress shopping once Gabe and I came back from the venues. We talked about how we were goanna style our hair, how our makeup was goanna look and our nails. We were doing all the details for us down to a T.

Spiral Into My Heart (completed) (total update) (ITS NOT PERFECTLY WRITEN)Where stories live. Discover now