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A few days have gone by since the whole fight about having a family. I haven't been home, I have stayed in a hotel. I called into work and told them I was under the weather so my nurse practitioner would have to take my patients.

Today I decided it was time to go home and face the music. No, I was not fully ready but I am not gonna keep hiding from it when the situation needs to be dealt with. Right before I left, I threw up and felt my forehead.

I took it as I had a fever and ignored the possibility of already being pregnant. Since the chances of pregnancy was a little slim but are possible. I drove back home stopping at the store to pick up a few things before headed fully home.

I realized that I would be home alone since Gabe would be gone to an away game. So, I didn't have to worry about him bombarding me with questions.

I didn't know what to do, I never felt like this before and to be honest I am scared. We fought three nights ago and now there was a great possibility that I could already be carrying his child.

I was about to grab the pregnancy test that I got just to assure myself when the front door open and Gabe walked in. He seen me and stopped, I looked at him and he looked at what was in front of me before walking right back out the door and left.

I fought the tears as I grabbed the test and headed to the bathroom, I peed on the stick then washed my hands and waited the fifteen minutes. In that time frame, I thought of my future if I am in fact pregnant and how I will handle things.

Right off I decided I am gonna keep and raise the baby, I knew that if needed I will have help from my family and Gabe's. I also know that if he doesn't want to go through with the wedding and have this baby with me then I will give him his ring back, thank him for the memories and walk out.

I took a deep breath wiped my eyes with my mind up and looked at the test. pregnant I bit my lip and called Gabe, he didn't pick up so I called and scheduled an appointment with my doctor for later today then went and took a nice warm shower.

When I stepped out, and jumped when I seen Gabe standing at the sink holding the test in his hand. I grabbed my towel after my heart calmed down from being startled and started drying off before walking out of the bathroom to get dressed. "So, you really are pregnant?" he asked as he followed me out. I looked up at him standing in the bathroom doorway "that is what it says."

He looked down at the test again and not saying a word. "Look I have to go, if you're here when I get back, we will talk if not then I will take it as the wedding is off and I will leave the ring here and pack up my things and leave."

He went to say something but I walked out of the room and headed downstairs and out the door. I will not listen to him break my heart I am too in love with him to listen to the painful words. I climbed into my car, put it in drive right as he walked out, I looked at him before I drove off. I couldn't stay and risk the possible chance of him telling me he don't want a baby.So I left. I arrived at my doctor's office just in time to sign in before the nurse called me back.

Spiral Into My Heart (completed) (total update) (ITS NOT PERFECTLY WRITEN)Where stories live. Discover now