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"Dang is that boy hot or what?" I looked up from my book at my friend Anne. "Who?" I asked, "Mr. Gabriel "Thor" Bennington," She said then pointed over to where he and his other football friends were leaning against the wall.

I looked at him and sighed. I had the biggest crush on him since we were in the second grade. and as time went on the crush grew bigger. I never told anyone but my friend Anne, she tried so many times to get me to go and tell him but I would just blush and walk away.

"Girl if you don't go over there and talk to him then.." she cut herself off and her eyes widen. "what?" I asked but she just shook her head and watched whoever it was behind me. I was confused by why she was acting like she saw a ghost.

"Hi, I am Gabriel" the person behind me spoke and my heart pounded in my chest as I turned to look at him. "Hi, I am Anastasia" I replied close to a stutter. "I am Anne," my friend said once she got over the shock. "I know who you are we have all the classes together. still, it's nice to meet you Anne" he said.

"Nice to meet you as well Gabriel," Anne said adding a little flirty twirl of her hair, I wanted to roll my eyes at her. "I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out tonight?" Gabriel said. Right, when I was about to make up some excuse Anne stepped in as if she could read my mind. "She would love too," Anne replied after stopping with the flirtatious hair twirling, knowing it was gonna work on him anymore. "Great how does seven-thirty sound?"

"Sounds like a great date" I looked at Anne and she just smiled. Silently I was thanking her. "Can I have your number so I can call you?" I looked back at Gabriel and nodded then opened up my backpack to find a loose piece of paper but he handed his phone over to me. "Here it's easier to keep up with."

I took his phone while blushing, and programmed my name and number before I handed it back to him. "There you go" I finally said after my weird silence well not weird to me when my crush is in front of me. "I will call you later so you can give me your address," He tells me then walks off and his friends clap him on his back and the other one Tucker wolf whistles.

"Awe you have a date, "Anne said I turned and glared at her." Yea thank you for that, I really wanted you to do all the talking for me" I tell her and zip my backpack back up." I did you a favor, we both know you would have turned down that date with some lame and stupid excuse."

"No, I really do mean thank you for that. I was being weird and all by not saying a word and you stepped up and took control. So thank you really for talking on my behalf."

Spiral Into My Heart (completed) (total update) (ITS NOT PERFECTLY WRITEN)Where stories live. Discover now