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Walking in with my hands full of food and drinks. Gabe walks up and helps me then closes the door and heads off to the kitchen. I follow shortly behind him and place the drinks down then took a seat at the bar.

"I am pregnant. I have an Obgyn appointment tomorrow at four if you want to stick around and go" I spill breaking the silence. I was a little nervous about what he was going to say. and the word just came out like vomit. "I will go with you," he said as he pulled the food out of the bag. "Look if this is gonna happen then we need to be civil adults ok, we need to talk about this and not run. Yes, I know I was the very one that left for three days and that was dumb on my part." I feel like I have a case of word vomit right now.

He looked up at me finally looking at me since I have sat down." Alright, I will go first." he said and I nodded and took a bite of my food. "I want a family with you so badly. I know with what I said when we were making love and after words, were not those of someone who wants a child with his Fiance. and for that I am sorry."

I waited for him to continue. "I am scared that our baby will hate me, I know I don't need to and that I should have said something to you instead of trying to avoid the topic, but now that you are pregnant and you want to leave me and call this wedding off has me determined to keep you with me and to be with you to raise our child."

" I only said I would call the wedding off if you left. there would be no sense in making people think that the two of us would marry if you were gone." I looked at him watching as he looked down at his lap before looking up at me.

"I am sorry, I promise you that I want nothing more than to marry you and to have this baby with you. I promise you that we will make this work and you will not have to walk out on me and stay gone as you did." I felt so bad for the stunt I pulled after our fight. But at that time, I didn't know what else to do. I know being civil and staying to talk would have been an option but I wasn't thinking clearly. And I was too hurt to actually care about being civil with him.

" Good. and I promise to not walk out when I am upset, that I will stay and talk to you. I promise you I will be with you through it all and together we will experience our first-time being parents. through all the mistakes and mess-ups, we will have in order to learn." This is one promise I will be sure to keep.

He smiled then leaned over and kissed me. "I am so happy that I am gonna be a dad and that we talked this out."

I smiled while nodding before I kissed him back "and I am happy that you are willing to be a part of this journey with me."

"You are the only person I want to experience this with, there is never gonna be and will never be any other woman I would want to have a kid or kids with other than you, you are it for me on everything."

I kissed him some more feeling like I have been away from him for too long when it was my fault for leaving and staying away for three days.

"And there will never ever be anyone that I would want to experience this with other than you. I never wanted anybody else. You are it for me too."

Spiral Into My Heart (completed) (total update) (ITS NOT PERFECTLY WRITEN)Where stories live. Discover now