Chapter 17: C-C-C-C'MON

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Michael's Point Of View

Brooke was Rich's girlfriend. She ran over to him, sobbing uncontrollably, not wanting to believe it. She clung to his body and rested her head on his chest. After a few moments passed, Brooke stopped crying and her eyes widened. She sat up and looked around. "I- I think I can hear a heartbeat." She said shakily.

Jeremy reached his hand out to check his pulse, but he couldn't find it. "Brooke, I can't find his pulse. I'm sorry, but he's gone."

"No he's not!" She yelled.

"I know this is hard bu-" Brooke interrupted him.

"Jeremy Heere, get over here and listen! He has a fucking heartbeat! I know what a heartbeat sounds like!" She yelled at him.

Jeremy apprehensively moved closer, and listened for a heartbeat. He heard it, just like Brooke said. "This doesn't make sense."

"He's alive! I'm telling you! He's not dead!" Brooke exclaimed.

"Is she right Jeremy? Can you hear his heartbeat?" Michael asked.

"Yeah." He said in disbelief.


We rushed to the hospital and got Rich there as soon as possible.

After the doctors took him away, the nurses admitted Jeremy, Michael, and I for our extensive injuries. 

They treated the three of us, but we were too anxious to know what was happening to Rich and if he was okay. 

Once we had the 'okay,' we left for the waiting area where everyone else was. 

"How's Rich? What's going on?" I asked urgently.

"He should be okay. There was a lot of internal bleeding and some damage to his brain, but the doctor said that if all goes well in the surgery, then he'll pull through just fine." Chloe said, comforting me. It was nice of her to be so kind to me.

"Oh thank god." I felt a little relieved.

"When will he be out?" Michael asked.

"We don't know. The surgery can take between 6-10 hours. Then he'll have to recover." Jake said.

"I'm staying." I said. "I'm not leaving here, until I can look him in the eye and tell him how sorry I am."

Michael came to sit down next to me. "Y/N, this isn't your fau-"

"Yes it is, Michael." I said blatantly, staring at nothing. A few tears fell down my cheek. 

"No, it isn't." Jeremy insisted. "Trust me, I know what it's like to feel the way you do right now. But this isn't all on you. You didn't do this. That thing did. It's not your fault. Do you understand?" 

"Sure." I replied dryly. 


I fell asleep, resting my head on Michael's shoulder. He woke me up, when Rich's doctor came back.

"How is he?" I asked apprehensively.

"He's vitals are steady, and he seems to be taking the recovery process easily. Would you life to see him?" He replied.

"Yes, please!" I practically jumped out of my chair. 

The only people left were me, Michael, Brooke, and Jake. Jeremy had to go find Christine. Sam and Chloe's parents called them freaking out. Which left us.

We all walked into Rich's hospital room.

I went up to his bed and held his hand. "Rich, I am so so sorry."

"It's not your fault, Y/N. I want to thank you." Rich said with a lisp. I never noticed that before. Has he always had that?

"Thank me?"

"For saving my life. If you hadn't come in when you did, I'd be dead right now." He gave me a smile.

Brooke came up from behind me. "Seriously, thank you." She hugged me.

"I'm just glad that you're gonna be okay." I said.

"Me too." He said.

I backed away so that Jake could get through to talk to Rich too.

Michael and I started walking out of the room and the hospital. 

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I- I don't know..." Even I was confused by my response. "But I do feel better than I did before."

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