Chapter 5: The Pitiful Children

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Reader's Point Of View

Sam and I were now on great terms. Actually, better than great... We were a couple. My love for him consumed me, as did his. We were the star couple of Middleborough High.

Everyday I'd walk to class with my girlfriends. We were our own little squad. Brooke, Chloe, Jenna, and me, the leader. We would make stupid comments about the latest gossip. Jenna always had the inside scoop. We all loved it when we shared intimate stories about us and our boyfriends. I was dating Sam, Chloe was dating Jake, and Brooke was dating Rich. Jenna didn't mind being the only one single in our group though, because she was practically married to gossip itself anyway.

I had completely changed. I was the opposite of who I used to be and it was amazing! I could hardly remember the girl I was before... Weak, pathetic, a loser, that's all I ever was. Then I upgraded and now look at me. I'm the most popular girl in school and I'm dating that hottest guy in the student body!

Every now and again I'd pass Michael and Jeremy in the hallway. Sometimes I could hear this quiet voice in the back of my head screaming "GET MICHAEL!" My SQUIP would get rid of it as soon as it had come.

I could see my reflection in the glass cabinet as I walked by. My eyes glinted a sharp turquoise blue, before returning to their normal shade.

My SQUIP was me. Simple as that.

It was like the old Y/N never existed. I wasn't her anymore. She was gone for good.

I couldn't remember exactly what happened that night I ran out of Sam's house and called Michael. It was all very hazy. It was like this weird little gap of time missing from my memory. I didn't care though. Non of that mattered to me.

Michael's Point Of View (Third Person)

Michael sat at the lunch table with Jeremy and Christine but he wasn't paying attention to them. He was eyeing Y/N across the cafeteria sitting with Sam Falster and the other popular people.

"Michael. Hey!" Jeremy said as he flung his hand in front of Michael's face to get his attention.


"I know you're upset but staring at her isn't going to help."

"I just don't understand. She's always been so-" Jeremy interrupted Michael mid-sentence.

"You need to move on."

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Michael went back to watching Y/N. "Something seems off."

"Michael, you literally met her 2 months ago and she hasn't talked to us for like a month and a half now, or something. We don't know her. You don't know her."

"I'm sorry, Michael." Christine adds before her and Jeremy walk away.

Michael stayed a few moments longer to keep an eye on Y/N. He wasn't trying to be creepy. He was just genuinely worried.

After what happened before, he's become very cautious of things that are out of the ordinary being real.

Y/N was eating a turkey sandwich with a can of mountain dew.

Mountain dew...

Michael quickly got up from his seat and threw away the remaining food on his tray.

He rushed forward to and through the hallway to Jeremy and Christine.

"Woah. Woah. What's wrong?" Jeremy said jokingly as Michael doubled-over panting for air from running.

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