Chapter 6: Access Procedure Initiated

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Michael's Point Of View

"That's it? That's your plan?" Jeremy asked.

"What's wrong with it?" Michael responded looking offended.

"Listen to it. You want to hold Y/N back while I make her drink the mountain dew red in the middle of the school hallway..."

"That's the only place we know she'll be, somewhat, by herself." He explained and then he reexamined the plan again. "Okay so it's not the best plan, but at least it's something. "

"This is going to end so terribly."


"Jesus, Michael. How much mountain dew red did you bring?!"

"A lot." He said as he shoveled more and more bottles out of his backpack and into his locker. "Okay, now your locker."

"Mine too?!"

"There's still more. Just open it."

Jeremy did the combination and opened it. Michael put the last of the bottles inside Jeremy's locker, before handing one to him.

"Ready?" Michael asked.

Jeremy seemed nervous. "I don't know. Maybe this is a bad idea."

"What're you talking about? Come on. Let's go."

"No. I'm serious, Michael. I don't- I don't know if I can do this. I'm kinda scared." He admitted. "And after what happened before I-" He was interrupted.

"I'm scared too, but it's gonna be okay. I got your back. I'm not gonna let it get to you, I swear. Come here." Michael gestured Jeremy in for a hug, they patted each other's backs and parted. "We got this. We're in this together."


Reader's Point Of View

"Have you gotten your dress for the dance yet?" Brooke asked me.

"Yeah. Chloe and I went shopping last weekend." I said with a smile, purposefully making her jealous.

"Oh." She seemed to be in awe and kind of hurt that her other half, Chloe, would leave her out of something so sacred as dress shopping. "I uh-" I interrupted her as I answered a text on my phone. "I don't have time for this right now, Brooke. Talk to you later. K? Love you. Byyyyyeee." I swiftly turned and walked away from her.

Michael's Point Of View

Y/N continued down the hallway but was abruptly stopped by Jeremy and Michael.

"What the hell?" She seemed to be completely disgusted.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive us for this." Michael said grabbing her shoulders.

"Forgive you for what?"

Michael forcefully pushed her back against the lockers. "What the fuck?!" She yelled and caught the attention of Jake and Sam down the hall. Jeremy came from the side with a bottle of mountain dew red.

Y/N's eyes began to shine that damned bright turquoise. Jeremy was about to give her the mountain dew red, him and Michael both were pulled away.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Michael?!" Sam was enraged at him.

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