Chapter 8: Everybody's Got A Red Solo Cup

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Michael's Point Of View

How could he have let this happen? He promised Jeremy that he would protect him, that he would keep him safe and he let him down.

Jeremy's worst fear had come true and Michael felt responsible.

For months after they deactivated Jeremy's SQUIP, he had been having nightmares about it returning and him losing control of himself again. Michael and Christine were able to help Jeremy through it over time but the fear was still there. He couldn't forget what happened. It was impossible. All of the feelings, the emotions, the pain, the physical trauma. It was more than he could bear.

And after all this time, the SQUIP came back and Michael didn't protect Jeremy from it. He promised him that he would never let it get back to Jeremy and it did.

Michael had lost Jeremy, his best friend.

But the SQUIP didn't just have Jeremy though. It had Y/N. The new girl that Michael had been fawning over.

Even though he hadn't known her long, he felt a connection to her from the moment he saw her Y/E/C eyes. He cared so deeply for her. He wanted to be her boyfriend. He wanted to be the guy that would make her happy.

He loved the smile she would get when they messed around and the night they all hung out at Jeremy's was one of the best night's of Michael's life. So much so, that Jeremy made him ask her out. But she shot him down.

Michael can't help but think that that's when the SQUIP took over. He refused to believe that Y/N would freely say the things that she did, to him that night.

Michael should've known right then and there what was going on. He shouldn't have let the SQUIP mess with his emotions like that.

He felt guilty. Not just for Jeremy, but for Y/N too. He had to save them. He had to save all of them. But how?

Last time he went against this thing, it was pure luck, he thought. And it definitely wasn't as strong as it is now.

Before Jeremy was able to stay on top to help him but this time... This time Jeremy had been completely taken over. He was only able to break through for a manner of seconds. Michael was going to have to assume that he was on his own.

He didn't know what he was going to do.

All of his mountain dew red was at the school, and he had no one he could trust.

The SQUIP had leverage against Michael. It had Jeremy and Y/N.

Michael feared that it would use them against him.


Michael was trying to think of what the SQUIP's exact plan might be. If he could figure out the plan, maybe he could be one step ahead.

Last time, he attacked during the school play. A time where most were distracted. That's when it hit Michael.

The dance!

He had to go to that dance and save them. It was his only opportunity. If this failed... It would be over. Michael will have lost and the SQUIP will have won.

Reader's Point Of View

Finally, it was the night of the dance and I was dressed to impress.

Despite Jeremy's failed attempt to get Michael, it wouldn't last long

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Despite Jeremy's failed attempt to get Michael, it wouldn't last long.

Tonight at the dance the punch was sure to be spiked, just not with alcohol.

Everything had been set into motion. Rich had gotten all the SQUIPs, Jake had cleared out the mountain dew red from Michael and Jeremy's lockers, and Jeremy bought a shit ton of mountain dew. I mixed it together in the giant punch bowl and now anyone who took a drink from it would be squipped and would be mine.

We had a guinea pig to test it out on too. Jenna was the only one in our group that didn't have one yet. We needed to use her for this specific purpose.

There was a little less than an hour until the dance was going to start and other students would be arriving.

"Hey Jenna!" I said beckoning her over to me.

"Hey girl, what's up?" She said.

"I got some hot gossip for you." I said with a smirk.

"Oh really?" I could see the excitement and intrigue on her face.

"Rich and Jake totally spiked the punch." I laughed with a smile. "We're gonna get smashed."

"Damn straight!"

"I've already had like 3 cups." I said acting a little tipsy.

"Looks like I have some catching up to do." Jenna downed an entire cup and soon after yelled out from the shock of the SQUIP activating inside her.

Up. Up. Down. Down. Left. Right. A.

A turquoise sheen momentarily glazed her eyes.

It worked. Everything was set in place.

Michael could try to stop me, but I would have him. That I was certain of.

This dance was going to be fun.


Michael's Point Of View

As Michael walked into the dance, he saw Y/N. She looked absolutely stunning. His gaze followed her but as it did he realized what she was doing.

The music was loud and the lights distracting, but he zoned in his focus on her.

People on the dance floor would wince and slightly bend over in pain, with their hand on their hand. After, Y/N would walk over to them and say something in their ear. When they stood back up, Michael noticed the turquoise glint in their eyes.

She was taking them. It was taking them.

Things were moving along faster than Michael had anticipated. He had to act fast.

He only had one bottle of mountain dew red with him, he'd have to get more from the stash he'd put in his and Jeremy's lockers.

Michael had to talk to Y/N. He had to help her. He had to save her. This was his chance.

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