Chapter 14: It's Useless Resisting

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A/N: Warning of cuts on wrist and forearm (not suicidal).

Reader's Point Of View

Jeremy stood next to us and handed me two syringes. I was confused.

He made his way over to Michael and stabbed the side of his are with a needle. "Ahh....!" Michael slowly fell to the ground.

"What'd you do to him?!" I screamed.

"I poisoned him."

"WHAT?!" I couldn't believe it.

"One of the syringes in your hand can be used to temporarily shut me down, the other is a cure to the poison coursing through Michael's bloodstream. You have a decision to make. Save Jeremy's life or Michael's. And if you try to use both syringes, I'll kill all of you. The choice is yours."

Michael was groaning on the ground.

I stood there in shock.

What the fuck kind of twisted, psychotic game was this?

How can I choose between two people's lives? I have no right to decide whether someone should live or die.

I can't pick between Jeremy and Michael.

I heard Jeremy gasp for breath, knocking me out of my daze.

Jeremy's eyes shined bright turquoise. He threw his hands onto his head, as he fell to his knees. His eyes shined a bright turquoise. He was moaning and groaning under his breath. He punched the floor yelling "NO!"

I walked closer to him, hoping that Jeremy was about to break through. "Jeremy?"

His body began to twist and turn, all the while he was in pain. I heard his ankle break. "AHH!" He screamed.

I tried to grab him, but I was unsuccessful.

He fell onto his back heavily panting. His eyes normal. "Y/N. Save Michael. I'll take care of the SQUIP." He said.

"But-" I began to argue but he shut me up.

His breathing was still heavy as his face started to wince in pain. "You have to trust me."

"I do. Come back to me." I said as his eyes began flickering back and forth between the turquoise and his normal eyes.

"Promise." He said. His body began to convulse and I knew I'd have to get away.

I quickly ran over to Michael. He was as pale as a ghost, sweat dripping from his head. His skin cold to the touch. His breathing fast and unsteady. "Just let me go. I promised Jeremy I would protect him from the SQUIP and I failed. Save him, not me." He turned and coughed, blood coming out.

"I'm saving you both." I stated as I plunged the syringe into the side of his neck, pushing the solution into his system.

I pulled the needle out and looked at him. Very slowly color was returning to his skin. His eyes closed and he passed out. I kissed his forehead before turning back around to Jeremy. But when I did it wasn't Jeremy anymore.


"You picked Michael. Interesting..." Jeremy said, studying me. "Sorry, Jere. It seems your time is up."

He placed the piece of glass on his skin and began to cut on his upper right forearm, wincing at the pain.

"Jeremy! Please! You said you would come back to me! You promised!" I begged, getting closer to him.

His hand stopped moving but began to shake incredulously. His face scrunched up, with his eyes closed, yelling in agony.

He opened his eyes. It was Jeremy.

"Oh thank god!" I said, relieved. That was, until, I saw his hand begin to move again. "What're you doing?!"

"It's not me! It's latching onto my body. I need your help!" Jeremy screamed as blood seeped through the open wounds, now on both arms.

I grabbed the mountain dew red, but when I did Jeremy started to fight me, using the mirror piece against me. "Watch out!" He yelled.

I was able to evade most, but he snagged my shoulder, causing a deep cut to form.

I twist around and kicked Jeremy's legs from underneath. We fell to the floor together, as I stomped the mirror piece from his hand.

I wrapped my legs around his waist to hold him in place. I forced his head back with my elbow and poured mountain dew red on his face, aiming for his mouth but a lot missed.

I removed myself from him and stepped away. The SQUIP would soon deactivate, signaled by him yelling, I needed to treat his cuts immediately.

Jeremy laid on his back, panting heavily. He yelled out in pain a few times before the SQUIP deactivated and Jeremy had regained control over his own body.

He tripped and stumbled over to Michael and sat next to his unconscious body.

"I'm so sorry, man." He said.

When I got back Jeremy was next to Michael on the floor. He was still alive, but barely. His eyes were closed. "Jeremy. Hey!" I yelled. He opened them. "You gotta stay with me. You're losing a lot of blood. I need to stop the bleeding."

I forced him to sit up. I began to wrap towels around his arms, soaking up his blood.

What he needed was a doctor, but we didn't have time. Good thing I'm always prepared.

I pulled out a needle and thread.

"Woah, woah, woah. What're you doing?" Jeremy said.

"We should close your wounds so you don't lose any more blood, and band-aids aren't gonna do the trick. Have you had stitches before?" I asked.


"Well, you will have after today."

"You have done this before, right?" He stopped me right before I was about to start.

"Kinda." I said.

"What do you mean 'kinda'?" He asked.

I didn't answer. I just started stitching him up. He called me a lot of cuss words during the process. Which I responded with, "Yeah, I know. But I'm saving your dumb ass."

Soon he had been stitched up and most of the bleeding had stopped.

Michael still hadn't woken up, though and Jeremy needed rest.

Soon they both lay asleep on the floor, recovering. Once Michael would regain consciousness we would have to out into the dance and face all our classmates.

We needed a plan. So that's how I spent my time.

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