Chapter 11: Connect To Another Source Instead

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Michael's Point Of View


Various colored lights and lasers moved around, coinciding with a strobe light and the music. Students danced carelessly with each other, completely oblivious to the horrible events taking place.

Y/N went into the crowd looking for Jeremy. Michael followed around the outskirts of everyone. He was intently focused on the hundreds of people dancing around. His eyes were searching for Jeremy.

Two people grabbed Michael by his arms from behind and pulled him away. It was Sam and Jake. "Get the fuck off me!" Michael yelled, not that anyone could hear him over the blaring music.

They threw him back against the cement wall, crashing the back of his head into it. "Ah!"

Sam and Jake restrained Michael back as Rich came to stand in front and punched Michael in the face, splitting his lip. Blood began to drip from his mouth onto his clothes and the gym floor.

Before Michael was able to process what was happening, felt someone shove something inside his throat and send liquid coursing through after.

No. Oh my god. No.

Did... Did they just force a SQUIP into him. Had he been squipped? Michael evaded it the past, but not this time. He never experienced it from the inside. But from how Jeremy described it, Michael didn't want to find out.

He tried to make himself throw up the pill. Maybe if he was able to get it out of him before it activated, he could- "AHHHHHH!"

Michael fell to the floor, his hands clutching his head. He quickly pulled his phone out to text Y/N. He had to warn her. "AEAHHHAHHH!!!" He screamed as another wave of intensity hit and surged through him.

Jeremy knelt down next to Michael and took the phone from his hand.

"NO! AHH!" Michael soon fell on his back heavily panting. The pain had begun to dissipate from his body. A few tears left Michael's eyes. He was scared.

Jeremy got closer to him. Michael gripped his shoulder and begged him, "Jeremy, please. Don't let it take me. You're stronger than him. Don't- Don't do this. Please."

"Sorry. Jeremy's not home right now." 

Michael's heart sunk.

Up. Up. Down. Down. Left. Right. A.

Both Michael and Jeremy groaned as they received shocks from the SQUIPs implanted inside their brains.

Michael's vision clouded, covering his eyes in a turquoise haze. Jeremy had a horrifying smile on his face.

No. I won't hurt anyone. You can't take me. I won't let you control me.

I'm not asking for your cooperation, Michael. I'm just taking it.

A terrifyingly strange feeling enveloped Michael inside himself. He didn't seem to care about anything anymore, at least that's what it felt like. No drive to fight or argue. Just empty. It pushed him away from the surface. Deep down inside himself, trapping him away. Michael found it impossible for him to speak his own thoughts in his mind.

Interesting effect, right? All thought, all will, just sorta drained out of you. I've been working on it for awhile. Made specifically for people like you, who have too much will power inside them. This just takes that away. So whatever plan you may have had to over rule me... Think again. Because I think you're going to find it extremely difficult to disobey me. But good luck to ya.

The SQUIP mocked Michael.

Michael was a fighter. Of course he would try, but who knows how long it would take for the real him to reach the surface with the SQUIP's new defenses. Would it be too late?

Jeremy and Michael were walking through the school hallway, when they stopped at a locker. Jeremy opened it and handed a syringe to Michael.

"I'm going to distract Y/N and trap her in the classroom over there. You're going to impale her with this and release the sedative into her." Jeremy said. "You don't have problem with that, do you?"

"No. I understand." Michael replied, void of emotion.

"Great. It's showtime."

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