" Hi..." Matt said, stepping back and tripping somewhat. " Sorry... Pidge said to find you-um-" He stammered. " Just- sorry to interrupt!" He couldn't have gotten out of there fast enough.

" Look what you did now." Lance slyly smirked at Keith.

" He won't tell." Keith said, clearly nervous.

" What would he even say if he did?" Lance purred. Now that Keith had shown him that he was actually still interested, he figured he could do more than just flirt. Fucking someone as hot as Keith on a regular basis sounded like heaven to Lance. " It wasn't like he saw me do this-"

Keith felt his eyes widen as Lance shoved him against the closet door and began kissing him more roughly. It had been sudden and abrupt, and he barely had time to kiss back before Lance's lips were parting from his own.

" Or this." Lance whispered while giving one of Keith's asscheeks a firm squeeze.

" If you get me hard right now, I'll kill you." Keith scolded, though he was shuddering and failing at not letting Lance's actions affect him.

Lance knew that Keith had bitten off more than he could chew, so he barely brushed their lips together for a moment, nipping at Keith slightly before pulling back. He had the most smug facial expression ever.

" Later." Was all Lance could say before turning tail and leaving the room. Keith was left in a daze, unsure what had just happened.

Yeah, if they even lived to see later. This was a simple assignment, but also a dangerous one. Keith knew that they'd be in deep shit if a shootout ensued.


The car ride was extremely awkward as Lance drove and Keith sat in the passenger seat. Pidge was in the backseat, smirking widely at the two boys. Matt just looked shocked, like he couldn't stop seeing Keith and Lance differently.

" So... when's the wedding?" Pidge asked with a snicker. Normally she wasn't into all of the flings Lance had, but this one seemed different.

Keith kept his handgun in his lap though he was tempted to raise it and fire a warning shot to shut his best friend up.

" I don't know, ask Keith." Lance had a very devilish smile colonizing his face while turning.

" We're just fuckbuddies, Pidge. Jeez." Keith told her with a small eyeroll following his words.

" Yeah, Keith loves himself some thick, tan, long, McClain co-" Lance was in the middle of taunting Keith when the smaller boy shot him a cold look, practically daring him to finish the sentence. He went with the option that didn't involve certain death, and cut himself off.

" How do I delete myself from existence?" Matt shuddered. He already knew too much. Lance was his buddy, his pal. To know that he was fucking around with Keith just put a weird image in his head, and he wanted so badly for it to get the fuck out. He knew them both too well, and it was uncomfortable to picture it. If they were happy, Matt was happy, but he didn't need to hear the dirty shit.

Pidge cackled while seeing her brother's reaction.

" The video games you play are literally ten times worse than anything I just said." Lance snorted.

" I don't wanna think about you guys fucking." Matt insisted. " Speaking of which, what does Shiro know?"

" Shiro doesn't have to know anything." Keith responded. " Who I let fuck me isn't his business."

" I mean..." Pidge began. " It kind of is. Lance is sort of his right hand man, and you're his brother."

" If he asks, I'll tell him. But I don't think it's that big of a deal." Keith shrugged.

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