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We walked into my messy apartment hours after leaving to bring bubble to the hospital, slowly creeping into bubbles room and set her in her bed, both kissing her on the head and walking out into the kitchen.


An awkward silence filled the dimly lit room. He lets out a sigh and walks over to me grabbing my waist and pulling me into his chest and burys his face into my neck. I wrap my arms around him and enjoy the hug. We stayed like that for ages until I heard small sniffles come from corbyn.

"oh bean. Why are you crying?"

"i..sniff..i just missed you so much.."

"i missed you too"

I hug him tighter and run my hands through his hair whispering sweet nothings into his ear as he cried into my shoulder. I slowly hum our sad song, it is a song that I made up, and corbyn later posted, that we used to sing whenever one of us was sad.

"sniff... You remember?"

"of course I do"

I smiles and burys his head back into my neck, I continue to rubs shapes into his back, calming him down completely. I gently push him off of me and hold his cheeks with both of my hands, rubbing his puffy eyes with the pad of my thumb lightly. He hums and leans his head into my hand. We just stare into each others eyes, we both snap out of our trance when we hear a little cry come from bubbles room, I walk into her room to see her lying on her brace.

"oh silly bubble"

I pick her up and bring her out of her room and into mine, placing her in the middle and putting her hand on a pillow so it's harder for her to roll onto it.

I walk back outside into the kitchen to see Corbyn on the phone, I walk past into the living room to clean up the mess we made.


After I was done I plop down on the sofa with a sigh and place my head in my hands. I feel the sofa Dip down beside me and a hand start rubbing my back, I don't know why but I just broke down, I'd say it's because I've had no time to process all of my emotions in the past few days, so It got to much.

Corbyns POV

I just got off a very frustrating phone call with my manager, he was telling me to get back to the boys so we can continue tour, but I don't want to go!
I want to stay here with bubble and Violet forever, I want to be a dad to bubb, and spoil both girls rotten, I want to, just, be involved with somthing.


Why did I let her run away

Why didn't I chase her down

I'm a shit person


I heard Violet walk into the living room a few minutes ago, so I wander in and she is on the sofa with her head in her hands, I sit down beside her and rub her back gently, just like she did earlier to me, as I was rubbing her she started bawling crying, I scooped her up and placed her on my lap, letting her curl into a ball and cry onto my shoulder, not really caring if she soaked my shirt.

"sssh, it's okay, calm down, your okay, we're okay baby"

I try to shush her, rocking us back and forth soothingly, with still rubbing her back, she eventually calmed down and I leaned back on the sofa still rubbing her back, soon herring the cutest little snores. I look at Violet in aw.

How can someone be so beautiful?

Shut up Corbyn! You have a beautiful girlfriend!!

OMG Christina!!

I take Violet to her room placing her beside a sleeping bubble, admireing how her arm went around bubble protectively, I smile at them and walk back into the kitchen scrolling though, my almost dead, phone, finding the one labeled

💞The one💞

Clicking it and waiting for her to answer




"babe where the fuck have you been! You told me you were going to drop them off and I haven't seen you since!!"


"don't you fucking babe me!! I was told by your manegment that we would have the whole weekend to our self's, so where the fuck are you!!"

"okay, I'm with Violet and bubble-"

"them? Your with them...."

Her voice was full of hatred.

"um... Yeah?"

"bye corbyn. Don't bother contacting me EVER again!"

"what no I, we didn't do anythi-"

"yeah sure! Once a cheater... Always a cheater!"

"what do you mea-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence before she had ended the call.

What does she mean cheater!

I've never done anything to her!

I mean.. Yeah I've done stuff with Violet, but I've always actually loved her.

If anything she cheated on me

" fucks sake!"

"corbyn why are you being so loud!?"

"oh sorry"

I mumble and wander into the room with them both, I definitely don't want to leave now, I'll miss them too much.

I didn't know I was crying until I felt a thumb go across my wet face. I look up at Violet with sad eyes and she dives into me, giving me a bear hug, wrapping her legs around me, I wrap my arms around her body and dig my head into the crook of her neck, bawling my eyes out, eventually, we fall asleep in each others arms.


That was long awaited and is probably terrible but right now idc

I went to see the boys this weekend...... I was very happy :)))

K byeee
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Crybaby	- Corbyn besson ✔️Where stories live. Discover now