Connor (RK800) x Reader ▷ Blood and Bruises

Start from the beginning

"I will be later. Fowler wants me to handle an interrogation soon, so there isn't much point in starting a report."

The android nodded.

You checked your watch, almost choking on your coffee when you saw the time. Coughing, you dumped the coffee on the table.

"Shit!" You cursed, standing abruptly. "I'm supposed to be there now."

Hurrying past desks, you made your way to the interrogation room, leaving the pair without another word. Connor watched you leave with curious eyes, disappointed that you had left so quickly. Hank, noticing the lost expression on his partner's face, groaned.

"Keep your eyes on the files, and quit drooling. You look like a fucking creep."

Connor, embarrassed, turned back to his work.

Rubbing your shoulder, you released a hiss of pain as you sat down in the break room, having gotten out of the interrogation with sore knuckles and an aching arm. Things had been going well until the suspect finally snapped, and instead of confessing, he threw a mean right hook towards your face, leaving a bruise, split lip and a coppery taste that wouldn't go away. Collecting the ice pack you had thrown on the table, you placed it on your knuckles, bracing yourself for the incident report you would have to write.

Detective Reed waltzed into the break room, saying goodbye to one of the other officers. When he saw the bruise on your face and the grimace you wore, he chuckled.

"You look like shit," he commented.

"Oh, stop. You're too sweet." You gushed, sarcasm evident.

Gavin sent you a harsh glare, walking over to the fridge. After a quick browse, he settled on taking out a sandwich. Walking over, he leaned against the wall, unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite.

"That's Chris' sandwich."

Gavin kept chewing, rolling his eyes.

"Does this look like the face of someone who gives a fuck?"

You scowled, looking through the glass doors into the bullpen, which had slowly begun to empty as people were sent to investigate different cases. Part of you was grateful, as that meant there were less people around to see the state you were in. As a Detective, it was embarrassing that a suspect had been able to get a few punches in before you were able to fight back. It didn't matter that he was now lying in his cell with a broken nose and a seriously messed up hand.

Your hopes of being left alone were ruined when Connor walked into the break room, the small smile on his face dropping when he saw the state of you. Rushing over, he reached out with the intention to cup your cheek and investigate the marks further, but thought better of it. Placing his hand awkwardly by his side, his LED glowed amber.

"(Y/n), what happened to you?" He began, taking a scan. Judging by the colour of the bruises, he could tell they had been made anywhere between thirty to forty minutes ago.

You shook your head, unable to meet his gaze.

"The witness got a bit unhappy." You said, feeling guilty for making him worry.

"And she got her ass handed to her," Gavin chimed in, lettuce and mayonnaise rolling around in his mouth. A smug smile tugged at his lips, and Connor's eyes narrowed at the detective's insult.

You closed your eyes in pain, lacking the care or energy to argue. "You weren't even there. Just eat your damn sandwich."

Connor seemed to relax somewhat after that, taking a seat beside you. With nothing to eat or do, he sat rather awkwardly, as if unsure of what to say. Gaze flickering between your face and the metal of the table, he kept his hands folded on his lap.

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