Danny POV Thursday

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I watched her as she kissed AJ, I watched her finally slip out of my fingertips. She looked at him in a way she never looked at me before, she is happy ,confident in him, she trusts him.....

I wish Maranda never had this hold me, I could have been the guy she wanted.... needed. Sometimes I hate Maranda for having this hold on me, I don't want anyone else.

I went to Brandon's house before school to see what was going in his head, he punched me in stomach. He said,
"Your lucky I like you, you fucking asshole, had it been anyone else I would have killed him. Dont ever betray me again."
I nod and he pulls me into a hug,
"So how was she?" He nudges me chuckling, I shake my head laughing,
"Dude, I'm sorry I really am."
He forgave me but, sad to day I wont be stopping this with Maranda, we just have to be very sneaky about this now.
Good thing is Southwest is a HUGE campus and its easy to sneak away and have a little fun. Now instead of her coming to my place I go to hers, she picks me up and if Brandon ever comes over I just hide somewhere in her mansion.
Right now we are watching Deadpool, we laugh and eat popcorn, she looks at me.
"Danny who is my favorite superhero?"
"That's easy, marvel or DC?"
"The Hulk, DC none you only like the villans and your favorite villans are, Bane and Krona."
"Wow.... I dont even think Brandon or my family could get that correct."

"That's because they dont pay attention to you." I say still watching the movie, I feel her grab my chin and kiss me deeply. I lose my breath as she kisses me deeply, I'm lost in her whole being.
"What was that for?"
I ask smiling, she shakes her head,
"You make me happy." I smile,
"You make me happy too." I say honestly, she smiles up at me then snuggles her face in my chest and wraps her arms around my waist. This is how I always want it too be but, it seems impossible.
"Baby?! Maranda!"
She jumps up as do I, i go hide in the next bedroom and hear him enter her room.
"Hey babe, I've been calling you."
"Sorry Teddy, I was watching a movie. I'm really into it."
"Oh! Deathstroke!" I roll my eyes, what an idiot, that's deadpool! Ugh he is so stupid, I wait there for a good 10 minutes till he leaves. I go back to her and we both laugh, I pull her to straddle me. I smack her ass hard and she bites her lip smiling, my dirty girl, I chuckle.
"Danny, do you want to stay the night here?" She asks nervously, I sigh.
"I dont think that's a good idea, my phone buzzes.
"Its Brandon, quick give me your phone." She gives it too me and I blast Tejano on her phone,
"D-danny, where are you?"
"I'm with my cousins, we are heading to floresville, why?"
"Oh okay I was going to come over, okay... I'll see you later."
I hang up and shake my head, that was close,
"I'm gonna call a uber, I gotta go."
"Danny, dont leave please...." I close my eyes,
"I cant stay here,Brandon comes over all the time uninvited remember?"
"So this means we can never stay overnight together anymore?"
"Well someone had to get followed." I say chuckling, she pouts.
"Gimme kiss." She does as I say,
"I'll see you at school, away game is tomorrow."
"Yall gonna kick ass."
"We always do."
I head out as I hear honks, I get in and enjoy my ride, once I arrive at my house take a shower and relax.
"Everything is going to be perfectly fine."
Game day AJ POV
as we load up for our away game Tiffany pulls up in her mustang, everyone looks her way as she gets out in a short skirt and a tank top with some converese.
I stand there smiling as she walks my way, all the guys either looking at her or her car, I chuckle as she reaches me giving me those 'fuck me' eyes.
She gets to me and stand before me,
"You are the most beautiful women in the world." She bites her lip and pulls me In for a deep kiss, she slowly releases as the team starts to whistle at us.
"You ready baby?" She nods as the team starts to load up, I nod for her to get In her car.
"Shes coming?"
Danny asks, as he looks at a very pissed off Maranda in her cheerleading outfit.
"Yeah, I got her a room. We are going to stay the weekend in Austin."
"Oh okay..... that's uh cool."
I roll my eyes and get on the bus, I should just ride with Tiffany but, this is a tradition.
I sit by myself but that doesn't last long as Danny sits next to me, I sigh and get out my phone texting my girl.
  The ride started off fine, I was listening to music minding my own when Danny took out one of my headphone and put it in his ear.
Here come the questions.
"So how are you and Tiffany doing?"
I close my eyes for a second,
"We are really good, why?"
"Just asking, you both look really happy."
"We are Danny." He nods and looks over out the window seeing her car next to us.
"Have yall done anything?"
Anger starts to fill my body, I know I swooped up and got his girl AFTER he fucked up but, that doesn't give him right to ask these questions.
"Danny, it's none of your business honestly."
"How is it not? You stole her from me."
He says defensively, I look at him smiling shaking my head,
"No I rescued her after you hurt her is what I did. What you did is unforgivable and I feel bad that I stuck out my neck for you telling her you were a good guy from the jump when it comes down to the end you were cheating on her on the reg. Just because we are friends doesn't give you the right to ask personal questions about our relationship. I'm sorry you fucked up but, shes mine now. Get over it, you chose which girl was more important. You made your bed now fuck in yours and get the fuck out of mine."
Danny's jaw clenches tight and he gets up moving seats, I put my head phone back in and close my eyes.
That guy has a lot of never saying I stole his girl, huh he fucking cheated! I may have broke bro code but, I never hurt her.

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