Maranda And I

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love, What more do you need to know? Our is forbidden and I...... Daniel Garza have to face the fact that we will never be able to walk down the halls together.... She is a Sophomore and I'm a freshman. She has her reputation for dating older guys to look out for, she's the IT girl of the school and me?
Well I'm nobody special, I made it on the varsity football team I think that's the only thing cool about me.
I'm considered a thug I guess, only because of the people I hang out with, Other than that I'm just a guy.....
And this story is all about a girl.....

Maranda laughs as I crack jokes about her little show off boyfriend.
"What I mean seriously he is all bronze no brains! That dude doesn't know his ass from his head!" I shrug my shoulders,
"You'd think you would want to be with someone who actually knows the difference between Marvel and DC.... He thinks Deadpool is DeathStroke like, what?!" She shakes her head smiling, her eyes locked on mine as she plays with my fingers. My heart racing as they flirt and lace together, she looks in to my eyes with those beautiful Hazel eyes.
"What?" I ask feeling insecure, she just smiles, I get so lost in her eyes I forget where we are..... oh yeah my house, my room. I laugh to myself but suddenly stop as she climbs on top of me and kisses me deeply making me light headed. She pulls away and I see her eyes full of tears.
"What's wrong?" She wipes them getting off of me quickly and gathers herself.
"Danny..... I um....." She looks like she's fighting herself trying not to say something, I know what it is....
"Just say it Maranda... I'm a big boy I can take it." Tears drop from her eyes onto my wooden floor board and I watch them splash on to the wood and shatter like my heart is about too.
I can feel my eyes pricking with tears so I look away from her till she grabs my face.
"Daniel Garza I need to tell you something important..." I look at her impatiently.
"Danny please don't be ugly to me right now, this is hard for me to say."
I nod and kiss her forehead.
"Danny, I'm falling in love with you..." See you'd think I'd be happy hearing that but what's the point of being in love with someone you can't have fully? I look away from her for a second.
"Why are you doing this too me?" She looks shocked at my response, she stutters the word "What".
"Why would you tell me this now? When I can't even have you fully? You walk around the halls smiling laughing with your boyfriend and I have to sit back and watch and you give your body to him too?! To make
Matters worse now I know you love me and your going to continue doing what you do while I sit and watch... it's not okay.... I'm sorry it's not the response you want but, for my dignity and sanity I can't do this anymore....Please just, leave." Sobs break her chest as she gathers her stuff and I look away as she leaves.

My heart aching from what I've had to do, and I couldn't tell her I loved her because I'd feel more pathetic about myself.

The next day at school I knew I'd regret my decision and I did the moment I saw them together. Brandon had his hands all over her and I couldn't help it..... I lost it.

Maybe we should start at the beginning.......

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