monday AJ pov

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So it's monday, I'm at school walking the halls, people are looking at me, I shrug it off.
I say hi to the people I saw at the party, I keep my head up as I wall to where I need to be.
Brandon pulls me in a empty room, and shoves me.
"You went home to have a party and invited only losers?! What the hell were you thinking?!"
"It was Danny's idea, I just supplied the house okay. Calm down it was one time people had fun that's all that matters."

"Dont ever do that again or ill get you kicked off the football team and make sure your a social infection."
He bumped my shoulder as he walks out of the room, I clench my fist feeling very frustrated.

I see Danny in the halls and grab his shoulder,
"Have you gotten the wrath of Brandon?"
"Yeah he threatened me, I told him to go fuck himself."

I chuckled shaking my head, we part ways and I try not to kill people today.
School was weird the last bell rings to let us free only I have football practice.
"Hey AJ...."
I turn and see a geeky girl looking up at me.
   "I wanted to say that..... I wanted to say thank you." I smirk and nod,
"No problem." I feel a arm snake around my arm and see Angie, I roll my eyes and pull away.
"What's your name cutie?"
"Sam." She blushes,
  "I better see you at the next party Sam, that's a official invite." She nods smiling and walks away, Angie smacks my arm.
"What..... the hell.... was that.....!"
"Angie fuck off! I dont want you jesus!" I walk off quick and head for the field, when I get there I see Danny further ahead running down the hill. I look and see some of the guys laughing and I hear someone yelling stop....
I race down the hill and push through the crowd seeing a nerd on his hands an knees being forced to eat off the ground. Danny and I push the guys away from the nerd, punches were thrown and I hear coach yelling.
"What the fuck is going on here?!"

"These fucking animals were bullying this guy! AJ and I were trying to help him!"
The coach looks at the other teammates and shakes his head, Danny and I help the nerd up.
He has grass stains all over his Jean's and new shoes.

"Jose, im sorry for what these sick animals did to you, You want to act like animals I'll treat yall like animals!" Coach yells at the other teammates.
Danny, AJ get Jose cleaned up and home!"
"Yes coach." Danny Pat's The nerds back well, Jose's back and we walk with him.
"You okay?" I ask feeling sick to my stomach that I used to do this kind of stuff to the outcasts kids.
"I-im mad.... I just got these Nikes yesterday. They were $170!"
"Here is some money for some new ones."
Jose nods and we see a girl running up to us and she hugs Jose.
"What happened to you?! I was looking all over for you babe!"
"Those Neanderthal football fucks grabbed me and... I dont want to talk about it babe...."
He looks so embarrassed so ashamed, I shake my head feeling horrible about myself.
"Im sorry this happened." I say patting his back, the girl looks at me,
"No your not... Once your friends start turning their backs on you and you are no longer popular you will start doing this shit to us again. This is a faze for you  Alejandor!"
  She grabs his hand and walks off with him, Danny bust out laughing at my name.
"Shut..... the.... fuck....up....." I say and walk away, I feel so many mixed emotions. I wish I had someone to confide in as in a girl.
As in tiffany.
Shut up brain! I get in my hummer and take off home, I just want to shower and lay down.
I do exactly that, I lay in bed going through face book and then I see her, Tiffany tagged in a pick with Danny from the other night.
Dont do it AJ, dont do it!
I ignore my better judgment and message her.
"What's up?"
"Had a bad day, everyone is giving me shit for that party.... Danny and I had to save some nerd from the football team."
"Dont let that bother you."
"It bothers me because I'm like that, I pick on the weak ones and I saw it from a different perspective and now I hate myself."
"Dont hate yourself, you are a good guy.... you just needed a little help realizing it."
"I wish I had someone to talk to about this stuff."
"What am I chopped liver?"
"Lol, no it's just I wish I had like a girl to be there for me, like more than just friends... someone like.... you....."
She reads it and types but stops then types again then stops.
"You'll find the right girl, just be patient."
"..... how are you and Danny?"
"We are good."
"That's good, well I'm gonna go to sleep."
I smack myself in the head, what the hell are you doing AJ!!!!!
Getting the girl.
Ugh!!!!! No, no I'm not....

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