Wednesday a little bit of BRANDON ......

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*what yall though he wasn't going to get his pov? Muahahahaha!!!!! Think again.****

I sit outside on my porch and wait for Maranda, I have something special planned for tonight. I'm a dumb ass, I stopped trying to win her heart after I claimed her as my girlfriend and now I think she is straying away from me.....
I watch as she pulls up, she gets out arms crossed as she climbs the stairs, what's her problem?
I stand up and hug her gently, she looks up at me and smirks, I pull out a bouquet of daisies out for and she smiles.
"You actually remembered my favorite flower?"
I nod and kiss her cheek, I take her hand and lead her inside, I filled the room with rose petals and some scented candles.
"What is all of this for?" She asks surprised, I shrug.
"Just wanted to do something nice for you..... i know its uh been a while since I did anything kind for you and its caused some distance."
I take her hand and put it on my chest,
"I may be a giant and really buff and nothing can really hurt me..... But, you can."
She looks at her hand on my chest,
"Your the only thing in this world that could ever hurt me."
"Brandon, baby.... what are you trying to say?"
"It's not what I'm trying to say, its what im trying to ask."
"I uh I wanted to ask.... um Maranda, I need complete honesty.
Have you been cheating on me? I- I won't get mad and I won't end us... I just need to know...."
I close my eyes to keep tears from falling down, I feel her little hands on my face pulling down to her face.
It's like when she touches me everything bad decengrates... i regain clarity. I look at her and she smiles,
"I could never do that too you my teddy."
She kisses me deeply making me weak from her touch, I pull away gently.
"Get undressed my love."
She does as I say,
"Lay on your tummy and just relax."
She does as I say, I cover up her bottom half of her body after seeing chills on her skin and massage her back.
"I love you my queen."
" I love you too."

Everything is fine you big dummy, she still loves you.....


Maranda pov
As I lay in Brandon's arms I feel my heart and mind leaving him, I think about Danny none stop. I wish I was in his arms, I wish I was hearing his heart beat... I wish it was his cologne I was smelling, I wish I could just be with him.....
In all honesty I could be with him... its not even me being embarrassed to be with him.... its the unknown of what if I do leave Brandon for him? Will he stay with me will he never cheat on me?
You see with Brandon I know he loves me, I know he would never leave me or cheat on me.... He wants me forever and I don't know if Danny could keep forever in his eyes like Brandon can...
Brandon may not be the smartest man but, he does love me.... treats me well... puts up with my mood swings.... he takes me for who I am....
I'm not sure Danny would be able to put up with me in the long run, and I know I'm thinking to far in the future but, with Brandon I have a future locked in.... Hes going to the NFL he wants me to be his wife......
With Danny everything is speculation, everything with Danny is filled with 'What Ifs'...
I sigh thinking about all of it feeling overwhelmed, I need to see him.... i get up shower and get dressed. I feel arms sneak around my waist.
"Where are you going baby?"
"I'm having anxiety.... i-im going to go for a drive then go home."
"You want me to come along?"
I turn and kiss him,
"No. It's okay my Teddy, get some rest, I love you."
I'm so used to saying those words to him, I don't even feel love anymore with him.... I love him but, I'm not inlove with him. God.. I'm going to break his heart.
Brandon POV
As she leaves my house I'm tempted to follow her, my heart racing and my mind over thinking. I get up and follow her in an old Honda I have so she won't know it's me. I drive music low and my heart breaking as she takes a left instead of a right....That's not the way, where is she going!?

I tread back a little as she pulls into the slightly poor side of town, is she buying drugs? Is my everything a druggy?! I watch as she pulls into a very familiar house, I feel sick.
Danny's place? Why here?
I watch as he opens the door for her shirtless, his arms wrap around her tightly.
That looks a little to friendly...
My heart cracks as she tippy toes to kiss his lips, tears fall down my face...
How could she do this to me?
I grip my steering wheel and text her
"I followed you.... why did you do this? All I ever did was love you!"
I watch her go in and the door closes,
"I love you Brandon, can you let me explain please?"
I shake my head an whipe my tears,
"Okay... I'll let you get this out of your system.... I'll see you tomorrow."
"Okay Teddy."
I speed off feeling so angry my tears blinding me as I get on the highway, next thing I know everything goes black....

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