Game day danny pov

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We run out on the field out on the field pumped ready for this game, everyone is here students, teachers, parents. I look around and see my bother my cousins the good and bad ones, and..... Tiffany. I smile seeing her, I can't believe she came still, Maranda sees her then looks at me and rolls her eyes.

My princess is here.
She changed her relationship status maybe we aren't official broken up, I didn't want to be broken up.
I call her to the front of the stands, she comes down and bends down to me.
"What are you doing here Tiffany?"
"I wanted to see you play." She smiles and kisses my cheek, I shake my head smiling.
"Garza! Get your ass over here!" I run back to the team and past Maranda, she's pissed!
"Okay team let's do this game right! Play hard, play with heart!"
Coach tells us getting us more pumped, we go out of the field and do our first play, we make the first down and form there on out we are set. We have the passion and the eye to kill, I tackle and run with the ball. I do whatever coach tells me to do, I play as hard as I can and we end up winning the game....
"49 to 13!" I yell out as the game ends, the bleachers go crazy, we won our first of many games and I didn't it all for Tiffany.
She runs to the field and I catch her in the hair, she rips off my helmet and kisses me deeply. Her legs wrap around me tightly, ugh this girl...
I set her on her feet,
"Wait in the stands.... I'll be out in a bit."
She nods and I head inside, when I get to the locker room everyone looks at me, Brandon walks up to me and hands me the football.
"You made 20 touch downs.... You get the game ball." I smile taking it and nodding, the team does a group hug before we hit the shower.
After I shower and get dressed I run out and see Maranda talking to Tiffany.
Oh no, no, no god no!
I see Tiffany stand up she looks at me and starts to walk towards me, Maranda looks at her and rolls her eyes.
Tiffany makes it to me and slaps me across my face, I look down nodding.
Yup Maranda told her.
"Your forgiven." She says turning around, she forgave me just like that?! She turns and walks away, I run after her quickly. She stops at a mustang.
"Who's car is this?"
"Eric's, he sold it to my uncle for 1,000, technically its mine now."
I nod,
"So you talked to Eric last night?"
"Yeah, at least I didn't fuck him."
She's got fire for me and I love it! I nod looking down, i take her hand.
"Can we just pretend like yesterday didn't happen?" She scoffed
"No we can't, i forgave you but that doesn't mean we are back together. I came to give you the benefit of a doubt and you fucked her. We can be friends."
"Friends that kiss?"
She rolls her eyes and gets in the car,
"Going to your place."
She starts the car and takes off, I chuckle how can she resist not being mine? I meet her at my place, she throws my hoodie back at me.
"You don't want my hoodie?"
"No it's a cock block." Her words sink in and rage fills me, I pick her up and open the door to my house. I pin her to the wall,

"Yes it is a cock block and it'll remain that way, your my girl, got it?"
She nods smiling, my finger tangled in her hair, I pull her face to mine kissing her deeply. I pull away taking her to my room slamming her body on my bed, my hands all over my sweet girls body.
"Danny hands...." I clench my hands in a fist and look down at her, her eyes dark from want,
"I'm sorry Danny." I shake my head closing my eyes,
"Don't ever be sorry for something your not ready to do okay."
I open my eyes to her crying,
"Why are you crying princess?"
"I'm just happy I still have you, happy you still want md as bad as you did before."
"I want you more than ever angel, you are my happiness." I wipe her tears away, my hand sliding up her shirt slowly. She whimpers and closes her eyes as I grasp her breast on top of her bra.
"Is this okay?" She nods, I smirk before I attack her lips, she whimpers out as our making out turns into fire.
"I love kissing you." I say against her lips, she giggles.
The rest of the night was just making out constantly and cuddling, lord knows I wanted her body but I'm not going to pressure her in any way the best I can. She's new to all of this stuff I don't want her to regret it at all.

Its morning now and we both don't want to get up but, my stomach is growling like crazy!
"Come on princess let's get up and go eat I'm starving."
She whines and gets up,
"God your so beautiful Tiffany." I say standing her up, she shakes her head,
"You are blind." She goes to my bathroom and freshens up, she takes a shower as I grab her some basketball shorts and a tshirt to wear for now.
"Here I got you some clothes." She pecks my lips and takes the clothes, I go shower get dressed and we head out in my car.
"Let's go to the Dinner." She says, I nod, we get there and the football team is here, ummm...
We head inside and team calls us to go sit with them, of course Maranda is here.
Tiffany smiles at Maranda then Brandon.
"Hey Brandon what did yall do Thursday, I thought I saw yall at the bowling alley."
"Wasent us, Maranda went to go visit her grandmother, she stayed there since she is you know almost dead."
"Hmmmm is that where she was...."
I squeeze Tiffany's hand and she smiles, AJ looks at me and shakes his head.
"Did yall order already?"
"No we were to busy taking about how bad ass you played last night!"
Aj says, he shakes my hand and everyone cheers, I shake my head feeling shy As the whole Dinner chimes in.

"Well I wasn't really In a good mood till I saw this beautiful face in the stands for me. If it weren't for her I dont know if I'd have the same fire."
Maranda rolls her eyes as all the guys go awe and then throw napkins at my face.
"So are yall like back together.... I'm only asking because it was on face book." Barandon asks.
"I dont think we really even broke up, I think it was just a really big misunderstanding..... I'm happy where I am. With my man." Tiffany says, the guys shake their heads smiling.
"So when are yall gonna get girlfriends?"
I ask, all the guys laugh shaking their heads.
"I think we are happy with random hook ups." One of the guys say making us all laugh.
"Hey we are going to the river today, yall should come." Tiffany looks at me shaking her head that she doesn't want to go.
"Come on Tiffany, itll be fun." AJ says smirking, Tiff rubs her neck,
"I dont know, I'm very insecure about my body guys.... I have imperfections. I used to be really chubby 3 years ago."
"Hey your fine the way you are, we won't judge you okay?" AJ says eyeing my girl, Tiffany smiles.
"Ummm.... okay."
"I'll need to go pick up some clothes." Shes says looking up at me.
"Just go in your bra and panties. It's the same thing, we are leaving after this."
Brandon says, Maranda looks at me annoyed.
"Its up to you angel." I say and kiss her cheek, she giggles and I hear Maranda sigh. Shes really mad now, I just call Maranda by her name, Tiffany is my princess, angel and sweet girl. That must bug Maranda, Tiffany's phone goes off like crazy.
"Uncle...... i-im sorry.... no, no okay....... yeah I'll be there in a bit.... I'm at a dinner..... do you want me to bring anything for you?......... okay.... I'm sorry again...."
"Your uncle mad?"
She nods and looks at everyone,
"Sorry I cant go, I forgot to tell my uncle I was staying the night at Danny's...."
"Boooooo!" They all yell making her giggle, my teammates seem to like her, I'm happy for that but, I have a feeling AJ might like her, like her.....

"I'll take you to my house to pick up your car." She nods and we head to get her car, she opens the door looks at me.
"I'll text you." I nod, I pull her into me and kiss her passionately, she whines as I pull away slowly.
"I'll miss you my princess."
"I'll miss you too Danny." She bites her lip and gets in, she drives off leaving me alone, I look up as I see AJ pull up in his red hummer.
"Get in loser we are going tubing!" I chuckle shaking my head and jump in the Hummer.
We jam to lip bizkut and Eminem the whole way over there, I wish my angel could have came with us though. I havent had guy time in a while though, this might actually be nice..  I hope....

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