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Its Friday and I haven't really seen Maranda all that much, just here and there. I walk through the halls not wanting to go to class, its only last period and none really cares for that class. It's not important, it just study hall.
"Hey you!" I turn and see Maranda walking behind me in her right Jean's and tank top. I close my eyes, ughhhh......
I stop like a dumb ass and wait for her to catch up, she bumps my shoulder.
"What are you doing out of class rebel?" I shrug not looking at her as I start walking.
"Its just study hall."
"Oh yeah me too."
Why is she being nice to me?

Because she wants your dick!
I kick myself mentally.
"Isn't your boyfriend going to be mad seeing us together? Or your friends?"
She says nothing but, Steers away as her posse comes around the corner.
That was harsh.
I watch as she walks with them laughing like I was never there, fuck that.
"Football try out's after class students!" I start heading to change into my gear, other guys are already there ready to start the try outs. This is going to be grueling.
The whole time I do everything 10× harder than everyone. I run, tackle, catch, lift, push, better than everyone. I out ran Maranda's boyfriend tackled his ass down hard!
I got him down so bad he took a while to get up, his evil eye was on me the whole try out.
"Tomorrow  I'll be announcing who made it and where you'll be placed, Right after school meet here." We all start to walk off.
"Garza! Great job today!" I look at him and nod as I smirk, Maranda's boyfriend bumps shoulders with me roughly. I smirk to myself, everyone heads inside but I stay back a little and look at the bleachers. I see Maranda get and smile, I act like I didn't see her and go in too shower and change.
That was fun, I hope I make the team. I get into my car and put the AC full blast chilling out from all this Texas heat. Fucckkkk it's to damn hot!
I hear a knock on my window and open my eyes, I roll down my window.
"Soooo....  do you wanna give me a ride home?"
"Where's your boyfriend?"
"He went out with the guys.... I told him I could get a ride."
"You shouldn't have done that without making sure then huh?"
She looks at me confused,
"Oh, okay..." she wipes off sweat from her forehead and sighs,
"Okay then... I'll just walk 16 miles... in this heat..... with all these racist and murderer's stalking the streets."
Damn she got you huh?
I sigh and unlock the door, she looks at me unwrapping a lolly pop, she sucks it hard then walks around getting in.
"I liv-"
"I know where you live, I went to your  party 3 weeks ago." She nods licking her lolly pop, why is she torturing me?!
"Seat belt." I say putting mine on, she puts hers on, I take off and go to the Café.
"What are we doing?"
She asks looking around, i see one of her friends cars are here.
"I'm hungry." She sighs and gets out.
"Come in after me, I'll just get a ride from my friends."
She doesn't want to be seen with you
No shit! I pull out quick, she watches as I drive off. Yeah I'm bothered, who the fuck wouldn't be?! I dont need that shit!
I get home and lay in my ice cold room, ugh I love my bed, I lay there trying not to think about Maranda.
She's so hot... I wonder what her skin feels like..... Her lips too she's a goddess. Who's hotter, Maranda or Chloë?
Doesn't fucking matter fuck! Stop thinking about her! She doesn't want you! I put on some headphones trying to block out my own brain over thinking.
My big bro walks into my room, I take my headphones out and sit up.
"I knocked but you didn't answer."
"Its okay... How was work?"
He shrugs,
"Its okay, I tried out for the football team."
"That's good lil bro. Keep you head in the books okay. Don't need you to end up like the rest of our family." I nod, he leaves me alone..... darkness fills my room quickly and I'm left to relax finally. My mind is far away from Chloë and Maranda, I fantasize about football, going to college and all the parties and girls I'll get if I play. Man..... imagine me in college? The very first in my family!? I've had family graduate high school, that's not hard but college that's like a dream that no one ever got to fulfill. I'm going to do it though, I promise my moms and pops I would so I am.
Its 10 PM now fresh out of the shower scrolling on Facebook, I have a friend request...
Maranda? She doesn't want to be seen with me but she doesn't mind having me on Facebook... I roll my eyes and delete the request. No way in hell girl.
I close my eyes and drift off to a deep slumber, the first week of school kicked my ass! I hate waking up early...
It's the weekend and there are 3 parties to choose on which to go, me and my guys are debating on which one we should drive by at.
"Let's go to Maranda's, she always has a lot of free booze." Maliquy says bumping my shoulder.
"Na na na, let's go to David's, all the weed you could need there." Says Able
"I'm with Daniel, I think we should go to Cats party.... there are always more girls there than at any of the other parties." Says Luis
Yall wanna know why I don't want to go too Maranda's?
Because she wants to sit on your face?
What?! No. Because she is too scared to just be herself and not worry about what other people think. That's one thing I can't stand is worrying  about what other people think.
Yeah sure that's what it is. Huh
Shut up!
"Yall can go wherever yall want too. I'm going to Cats party okay, it's way more chill there anyway and she like Luis a lot so he can get laid."
"She likes me?"
I look at him like he's dumb.
"Duh stupid! She's been panting over you like a bitch in heat."
So is Maranda but you don't want to be a secret
Whatever, I smirk at Luis, he's kind of the shy one out of the group, really quiet and to himself like me but more isolated.
"I guess Cats place it is." Able says.
"Yall can go there I'm going to Maranda's." We all shrug and get ready, I put on my black skinny jeans white shirt and my converse and my chain.
Able, Luis and I head our to the party at Cats, we stop at the gas station by my house to pick up a 12 pack of beer so we don't go empty handed. I drive off only to get stopped,
she comes around my window so I put it down.
"You heading to my party?"
"We are going to-" I cut off Able.
"Yeah we are going there in a bit." She nods and walks away to her Jeep.
"Why did you lie?" Able asks,
I shrug and drive off not wanting them to know I might like this girl and how she has been acting towards me.
If they found out they will never let me live it down.
We pull up to Cats and go inside, everyone is in the back by the pool, I sit on the couch and start drinking. Girls are dancing, swaying their hips to the beat and I just sit there and watch. My body relaxing and my mind slowing down, I don't wanna hear shit. I swig on a bottle for a bit and slow down because I have to drive us home. This Saturday night is super chill, I'm glad we came here instead of....... Maranda.....

She walks in in a short black dress high heals and her hazel eyes shimmering in the lights. Fucking demon girl I swear she's out to get me!
It's just her and none else, what is she doing here! I sink into the couch hiding my face with the bottle, don't see me don't see me! She walks up to Able I can see them talking, he points to where I'm at, fuck! I get up before she can look and start to walk up stairs. I wait in the dark hallway, I close my eyes taking a deep breath, my eyes open an I see her.... leaning against the wall looking at me. My eyes racking her body up and down, hers doing the same.
"Why did you lie?" I shrug my shoulders,
"Why would I come? So you could ignore me and my friends? Na I'd rather be at a party where the girls aren't afraid to be who they are."
"And what am i?"
"You are Maranda, rich, lonely, unhappy, not in love, wanting something that'll ruin who her whole persona is."
"And what is that, that I want?"
I look down then up at her,
"Me." I walk away leaving her there, I go down stairs grab a girl and start grinding with her. My arms around her waist pulling her into me, she giggles as I kiss her neck.

I can feel Maranda watching but I don't care, I came to have a good time so that's what I'm going to do. I look around and see her leaving the house, thank god!
"Hey Bro, they are having beer pong wanna join?" I nod, I kiss the girls cheek and walk away. She was a cutie, little innocent. I like that, I wink at her before i leave an she blushes a bit.

It was a good night even with Maranda crashing it, I still had fun. Got a bit tipsy but made it home safe along with my boys, we continued the party at my house and got really fucked up and now here I am. At church with a hangover, listening to Padre talk about addiction and acholism, god sees all huh? Funny kind of, we get out of church and head to the tacos house to get some breakfast me and my brother start to devour our tacos when we stop as soon as we see our cousins.....
Even through those big lose shirt I can see their guns, I look at my brother and he shakes his head.
"I'll do all the talking, dont worry about it." I nod and continue to eat.
"What's up carnal?"
"Nothing just got out of church."
"Ohhh hearing the word of god eh?"
"So when are you going to come back and be in the family business?"
"I'm done with that life Tommy, I told you stop asking already."
My brother says, my cousin looks at me.
"What about you lil cuz? You gonna reunite the Familia? Come back with us?" I shake my head no.
"He has school, football and college to look forward  too."
"Why don't you let him speak for himself." My brother looks at me and nods.
"I'm good cuz. I'll see you around later." I give him a hug and walk out, I get in my car and sit for a bit listening to music.
"What you gonna do today little bro?" I shrug,
"Maybe go see a movie. I dont know yet."
"Alright be safe." I take off driving around downtown bored out of my mind, there is nothing to do in Texas unless you have a lot of money. I sigh and go to the Mayan theater, guess I'll just go see a movie.
"Can I have 1 for IT2."
"Just one?" The girl asks looking at me confused.
"Yeah just one." She giggles,
"What's so funny?"
"Your way to cute to be single."
I smirk at her and notice it's the girl I was dancing with last night.
"Hey!!!!! I danced with you last night."
She nods smiling.
"Your a cutie yourself. What time you get off?"
"I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend...."
"You just let random guys dance with you then?"
She blushes,
"Well you kind of just grabbed me and I didn't want to be mean and I was kind of having fun." I nod and check my watch
"I got to go." I chuckle as I walk in to the theater getting comfy in my seat, couples start to pour in and I see Maranda and her Boyfrind walk in.
I sigh and try to not be seen as they pass the row I'm sitting in, thank you jesus!

I'm a tad thirsty, time for a soda, I keep my head down as I go down the stairs and out of the theater
"Can I get a large Big Red."
"Can I get a pack of Chinese candy." I look down and see her, I roll my eyes.
"Get whatever she wants on me." I tell the guys, he chuckles and walks away, I look at her.
"What do you want Maranda?"
She wants you stupid idiot! God your so dense!
"Who are you here with?" I take a sip of my big red and start to walk as she grabs her candy.
"Me, myself, and i."
"Hmmm curious."
"What's curious?"
"What? Oh nothing..... it's just your an attractive guy, I dont see how your always alone."
"I keep to myself." She nods,
"Well I'm going to go back in Maranda."
I walk in and sit down, I see her walk in and she goes past my row to sit with HIM.
Fuck my life!


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