chapter 1

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'Recurrent - common things like healing, mind reading, invisibility often not harmful.

Minimal- less common
Things such as heightened strength, psychokinesis often can be lethal

Unprecedented....-incredibly rare no data is known about the ability often given a vague title with several different aspects
Almost always gives increased senses such as hearing sight smell ,
Can be extremely deadly to both the user and those around them.'

    I flinched as I read over the last line inside the thin pamphlet between my fingers.

I felt physically sick just thinking about being somewhere where I didn't know anyone, somewhere entirely unknown and completely out of my control.

They're going to think I'm weird. I am weird. 
They'll hate me.
 They should but still.

What if they think I look stupid? I bet I do  I always do.

 The closer we got to the building the quieter my surroundings became. I hunched over in my seat And took a deep breath, trying to ground  myself.
I was absolutely not looking forward to this.

     I miss my mom, My house, I even miss my school ,
And that's saying something.
I don't want to go to the stupid facility.

"Evan, sweetheart,
I know you're scared but they'll keep you safe, I promise, just stay strong for me."
She'd  said before they'd separated us.

I never wanted to go.

Not like I had a choice though. Its safe there, I wont scare anyone
(not that anyone would be scared of anxious little Evan)
and I wont get hurt...I think. The bus came to a stop and I guided myself out towards the large doors.

     I stiffened and pulled my books close to my chest as someones shoulder brushed against my own.


Stoping for a moment and adjusting the sleeves of my jacket that hung loosely over my blue polo shirt I noticed something.

Things I used to love about my neighborhood back home seemed to fill me with a cold empty feeling now. The sky, The plants, The trees, And the grass, All of the nature here looked so . . . . Lonely. Uncared for and.. forgotten..Similar to me in a way.
Don't pity yourself.

I've got to stay positive after all I might finally make some friends. 

     I left that thought where it was and entered the building. The air was thick . There were lots of loud conversations and the scent of bleach..a lot of it Actually.

I looked around slowly in an attempt to find out where I'm meant to be.
I start to feel uncomfortable since I couldn't find the desk.

All I could see were doors and people maybe they were visitors...or doctors? I wasn't sure,

But they  made me uncomfortable as well. I started to feel shakey when all of a sudden Oh..i see it.  Mentally face palming myself for getting so worked up I walked towards the woman at the front.

You can do this Just calmly introduce yourself and say why youre here.

   My feet stopped in their tracks. Maybe I should just leave. No, I have to do this. "U-um is this the r-reception desk?" Shaking I gripped my books between my arms. This was all happening way to fast and I just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up for at least 3 years.

"Hello may i have your name and reason for arrival?"

    The woman speaking had cold eyes she didn't seem friendly, her voice gave off an annoyed tone. "E-evan Hansen i'm n-new?" So much for calm and confident. All I got in response was a nod before the brunette lady handed me several papers. Slowly grabbing onto it my hands touched the lady's fingertips.

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