Immediately, the pain in my face began to subside. (Except for my nose. The spell's restriction to not being able to heal bones extends to cartilage as well.) I could more or less feel the wounds on my face from where Vance's slightly spiked glove had punched me, and I no longer felt sticky liquid running down my cheeks like tears (Although I could still feel dried blood on my face).

I let out a deep breath, then whispered to Rynn, "Thank you,"

"Of course," Rynn said immediately, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it. Her expression change from worried to teasing, and she added, "My 'compulsion' to bring heal spells with me worked out, didn't it?"

I laughed. "Yeah," I agreed. "They did."

"Can you stand?" she asked.

"I think," I said, starting to pull myself upright, and Rynn stood at the same time, dropping her hand from mine.

I glanced down at my former lieutenant's body. It had stopped spasming, and some kind of black liquid was leaking from his eyes. After a moment I realized that his strange pitch-black eyes were returning to their normal color, their natural jade-green appearance.

"Rynn, take a look at this," I said, pointing at Vance's eyes. More than half of the black... film, I guess, had subsided, and though his eyes were now returning to normal, his strangely half-formed eyes added to the royal blue blood still bleeding profusely from his wounds (And the smoldering hole in his chest) made him look absolutely terrifying and a little bit insane.

"What in Carceri..." she wondered. After a few more moments, his eyes had fully reformed, and jade-green orbs now stared blankly up at the ceiling.

Vance was dead.

Rynn turned to me. "So what does this mean?" she asked.

"I... don't know," I said honestly. "I guess we could take the corpse back to the Supernova, for an autopsy, but-"

"Hold on," Rynn said, raising a hand. "Did you say Supernova? As in MFS Supernova?"

I realized she still didn't know all the details of the situation. All she knew was that Karhhiya had been attacked, I'd come back to save her and the rest of my rebellion, and Vance was apparently a traitor .(Who, apparently, if his threat made to me was to be believed, had access to Wendigos, of all things.)

"Rynn," I said. "There's a lot you need to be caught up on."

. . .


The priceless expression, for once, was not on my face.

Rather, it was on Eternity's.

"Um," Eternity said. "If 'worrying myself half to death' counts as missing you, then yes."

The Trianguli soldier who'd still been conscious after Alaspakta and I (I'd decided that the fight with the soldiers had been both my and Alaspakta's work. I come up with a lot of stories like this in my head) had fought the soldiers made a small noise from behind me, still standing in the Lift. Eternity craned her neck to glance over my shoulder.

"Eldernova," she said. "Is there a reason that a Trianguli soldier is following you around?"

"I'm not sure," I replied honestly. "Alaspakta thinks it might be worth it, but I'm not sure why."

"I told you that once you met up with Eternity I could let you know," Alaspakta's voice rang from the sword in my hand. "Seriously, have a little patience."

"Um," said Eternity. "Is... is the sword always this cynical?"

"Yes," Alaspakta and I said simultaneously. I gave a quick glance at the sword before looking back to Eternity.

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