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It was a sad last day at school, and the whole train ride home was spent relishing in the last few hours with my friends. Every now and then my mind will drift back to that train ride home, and which I could transport myself back. Being at home was terrible.

I spent most of my time shut up in my small room, writing and receiving letters from friends. It was the only thing keeping me sane, and it served as a tie to my life back at Hogwarts; a life I desperately missed.

My life right now was quite sad and lonely. I barely spoke to my mother, as the very first night I was back from Hogwarts she made it very clear that she blamed me for my fathers death. None of my friends lived near me, so I couldn't visit them, and I clearly wasn't talking to my mother. There were some days where I would go the entire day without saying a word.

My mind would wander often, and a subject I would frequent in my mind was Draco. Was this what he felt when he said he was lonely? This crippling sense of isolation that I was currently feeling?

I would always mentally smack myself whenever thoughts of Draco would pop up in my mind; which was more often than I cared to admit. I was furious with him. What happened that night at the Astronomy tower hurt

And to think I only every wanted to be his friend, to help him through the tough time he was going through. To be a nice person.

And somehow I ended up getting myself hurt.

I blamed it on my stupid feelings. If I hadn't developed feelings for Draco, I would still have him as a friend. Still have him by my side. We would be helping each other through the tough times we were going through, knowing no one really understood what we were feeling but each other.

Now he was gone. And he wasn't coming back.

From listening to my mother cry in the room beside me, to thinking about Draco, I could slowly feel myself going crazy during this summer break. So I had decided to owl Ron about coming to stay at his house during August. To my luck, the Weasleys were more than happy to take me in for the remainder of summer vacation. I was happy that I would be able to stay at my friends house for a month, but more importantly I was happy to get away from my mother. The constant blame she would dump on me week after week of my fathers death was starting to break me.

So when August first rolled around, I packed up my things and took the Floo Network to the Weasleys house

Mrs. Weasley was overjoyed to see me, engulfing me in a big hug when I arrived. It brought tears to my eyes to once again feel welcomed, and my face hurt from smiling so much. The twins welcomed be back by shaking my hand, but I should've known better. In Fred's hand was one of their products from their joke shop, an electric shock shake. I squealed when the shock went through my body, lightly smacking Fred on the shoulder, but the smile on my face told him I wasn't the least bit angry.

The month of August went by quick, there wasn't a day that I didn't laugh until my stomach hurt. During the last week of break, Hermione showed up. It was nice seeing her again, finally hearing her voice instead of reading her words on letters she would send to me. For the whole week it was like Hogwarts, the three of us once again sharing a room - Ginny's room.

We talked about everything; from teachers and classes, the latest gossip, and Ginny's new boyfriend Dean.I badly wanted to talk to them about Draco, just to get it off my chest and talk it through with someone. But I knew I couldn't, they wouldn't look at me the same way.  So I kept it bottled up, and every time Hermione or Ginny would ask if there was anyone I was interested in, I would laugh it off and shake my head no.

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