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A few weeks had gone by since my conversation with Seamus.

He had since apologized to me, and vowed to never do that again. I forgave him, but our relationship wasn't the same. I made sure to never be in the same room as him, and I barely spoke to him.

Ever since then it has felt as if I had to walk on eggshells around my friends; only ever strictly speaking about classwork and school drama.

Nothing to do with Draco or the Death Eaters.

Ever since my duel with Alecto, I haven't been able to show my face around her or her brother.

People warned me about her, saying that they heard her talking about how she was going to kill me the next time she saw me; but I didn't believe them until I experienced it for myself

I had been walking in the corridor alone after dinner, it wasn't past curfew so I couldn't get in trouble.

she must have had been waiting for me to get back to the Gryffindor tower, because when I rounded the corner she had been right there; poised and ready to attack

She shot a spell at me which I had just barely jumped out of the way from. Seeking shelter behind a wall, I had gotten my wand out and shot a spell back that thankfully hit her and knocked her back, giving me enough time to run away and find Neville.

Once I had told him what happened, both Neville and Ginny helped me escape to the Room of Requirement where I have had to stay hidden for the past couple of days.

Over the course of those few days, people started to join me, saying that they only really wanted to go outside the room for classes. First it was Neville, then it was Ginny.

Both of them saying they didn't even feel safe sleeping in their own beds in their dorm rooms.

We were all currently laying down on our makeshift beds, stomachs growling with hunger.

Because I couldn't leave the room of Requirement, Seamus and Ginny had been sneaking food back for me and the others. It wasn't much... A couple pieces of bread, some grapes and if we were lucky; a pumpkin tart.

However, today was one of the worse days; where both Seamus and Ginny couldn't get their hands on extra food for us.

The only thing I had ingested this past day and a half was water we conjured up using Aguamenti.

I was currently laying in pain, eyes closed as another wrack of hunger surged through my body. Water could only sustain my stomach for so long before the pain of an empty stomach would be the only thing on my mind.

My thoughts were interrupted when Neville shouted from somewhere in the room

"Guys! Come here! I have to show you something!"

I somehow manage to get up, and follow the sound of Neville's voice. When I found him, he was looking up at the wall.

There was a door like shape in the wall, and I could see it's doorhandle from where I was standing "what's a door doing up there?" I ask

Neville shrugs "what do you think is behind it?

I take my eyes off from the door and meet his gaze "dunno. Reckon we better find out though"

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