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"Alice! Come on, get up!"

I groan, and pull my covers over my head, still feeling tired and fatigued from quidditch tryouts.
"you want to eat, don't you?" 
I could tell it was Hermione who was trying to wake me up, but I was so tired I could barely move.

After more encouragement from Hermione, I finally roll out of bed and slowly get changed. Together, Hermione and I make our way down to the great hall. The act of moving slowly woke me up, but it still wasn't enough to get rid of the lingering sleepiness that was making me yawn uncontrollably.

I sit next to Ron at the table and grab a slice of toast, stifling a yawn as I slathered lemon marmalade onto the slice.

"Someone's tired" Harry commented as he ate smirking slightly at my state of sleepiness. I raise an eyebrow and glare at him over my bread, "I hadn't played Quidditch in five months," I explain, rubbing my eyes and trying to wake myself up, "I'm out of shape"

Harry snickered lightly, "well, get ready. Because Quidditch practices are two hours long" I groan and rest my head on the table, blissfully closing my eyes, "Wake me up when it's our first game"

• • •

The rest of the week flew by before I knew it. On top of homework assignments and quidditch practices, I barely had time to read the daily newspaper I was so busy.

All of the early morning practices and evening team gatherings weren't for nothing however, as the first game of quidditch season was fast approaching. It approached so fast that I didn't even realize it was today until I woke up to find my own set of Gryffindor quidditch robes set at the foot of my bed. I couldn't help it when a prideful smile made its way to my face as I admired myself with the uniform on in the mirror. Webster. Number 20

At the beginning of the week, Angelina had gotten me my own broom so I was able to adjust to the feel of it. I grabbed the broom which was propped up against the wall and made my way down to the stadium. I met Harry half way down the path to the stadium, and together we walked the rest of the distance down to the field. My heart was racing in my throat, and I felt like I was going to throw up and any given moment.

"Nervous?" Harry asks me. I nod in reply, "I always used to throw up before games" "I could tell," he smiled slightly, "you look as pale as a ghost"

We walked the rest of the way in silence, and I take note of the darkening clouds overhead. It looks like it might rain. We passed some people making their way down to the field, some of them even wished us good luck. Their words were kind, but they just added to my nerves. I didn't like knowing the whole school was going to be watching me play, and potentially watch me mess up.

Harry tells me to go down to the locker room, saying that he needed to talk to McGonagall about something.

I start to make my way over when I see Draco, Blaise, Crabble and Goyle making their way down to the arena. I groan inwardly, knowing they were going to be among the many people watching the match

I also spot Luna making her way down to the field with a few other Ravenclaws. She was sporting a huge lions head hat, and every once and a while it would roar. My heart warmed at the simple yet meaningful gesture of the hat. Luna was great, a bit odd sometimes but overall great. Some of the nerves left my body knowing that there would be a few supporters in the crowd.

I make my way to the locker rooms, to see most of the Gryffindor team exiting them. My heart drops, I wasn't late, was I?

"What's going on?" I ask Ginny, confused as to where they were going in such a hurry. She quickly grabs my arm, pulling me along side her, "the match is getting moved up to now. It's going to rain soon, so Mme. Hootch wants to move it up to right now"

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