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When I awoke the next day, I was preparing to feel lighter, refreshed. I had said everything I had wanted to say to Draco, my shoulders should feel as if a weight had been lifted off of them.

But instead I felt the same, weak, tired and thinking of Draco.

At breakfast, I saw him sitting at the Slytherin table. He still looked terrible, and I still felt that pang of sadness that I got when I looked at him. I had to force myself to tear my gaze away from him.

I instead focused on my friends, comparing timetables and classes.

After breakfast, Hermione and I made our way down to advanced potions with the new potions teacher, professor Slughorn. He was quite the odd teacher, but I didn't mind him. I really didn't mind that class at all, seeing as a lot of my friends were in it.Draco was in that class, but I hardly noticed him. My mind had other things to think about.

We were all currently standing around a table as Slughorn showed us three Potions brewing in three cauldrons

"Now, who can tell me what this potion is called?" Slughorn asks as he gestures to the cauldron on the right, "I will give you a hint, whoever consumes this potion instantly becomes infatuated with whoever gave it to them" Slughorn explains. Through his cryptic words, I was able to figure out what the potion was, and my hand shoots up.

"Amortentia sir," I respond. I hear Hermione sigh from beside me, and I realize I just stole her thunder. "Sorry" I whisper to her quickly, and she just lightly squeezes me on the shoulder and shakes her head, a small smile on her face; she wasn't mad.

"Go on, Ms. Webster" Slughorn says, a crooked smile on his face, his eyes bright and beady.

"Well, it's a strong love potion," I begin, "it's rumoured to smell different to every person according to what attracts them" I take a step closer to the cauldron, my curiosity getting the better of me. The liquid had a beautiful pearly shine to it, and the vapour rose in spirals.

I sniff the potion, and my nose was hit with a plethora of wonderful scents, "for example I smell pine, rain" I hesitate, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly, "fresh ink and earl grey." I blurt out quickly, breathing out in embarrassment. I had just described how Draco smelled. I scoffed at myself, and angrily distance myself from the potion, accidentally bumping into some girls who were wanting to get closer to the potion.

I could feel Draco's stare on me, but I didn't look his way as I stood next to Hermione, keeping my gaze firmly trained on the cauldron. He knew. He knew I had described him. I just wanted a hole to appear in front of me so I could crawl in it and escape his gaze.

I hadn't realized it until now that both Harry and Ron were in this class, and I just noticed them slip in between Hermione and I.

This caused one of my eyebrows to go up in surprise and both Hermione and I share a quizzical expression; what were they doing in advanced potions?

Slughorn quickly puts the lid on the cauldron, realizing the hoard of girls trying to get near the potion.

He clears his throat, "Now, today you will be attempting to brew Draught of the Living Death," he grabs a tiny vial that was beside him and shows it to the class, the clear liquid swishing around in the tiny vial. "The first person to do this will receive this-" Slughorn is cut off by Hermione's exclamation

"liquid luck!"

Slughorn smiles at Hermione and nods, "indeed Ms. Granger, Liquid luck! Whoever drinks this will find that all of their endeavours succeed"

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