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I take a deep breath, and settle myself in for a long and difficult class. I just had to get through an hour and then I wouldn't have to be in a Defence agains the Dark Arts class for a little while.

"Well, now that's out of the way; Welcome everyone!" the female one said, walking slowly between the rows of desks "my name is Alecto, and this is my brother Amycus. And this year we will be your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers"

Amycus stood at the front of the class, scanning the classroom with menacing eyes.

"If you do as your told in this class, you will succeed. Failure to do as you are told will result in punishment. Like we said before, we like punishment; therefore if you give us a reason to, we will punish you" Amycus says, grinning at the word punishment

"Now. We will be doing things a lot differently this year. Seeing as three particular curses have become legal recently, we will be practicing those. As from our understanding, you are very under practiced with these curses. Does anyone know which spells those are?" Alecto asks, waiting for someone to raise their hand. No one does

"No one? How disappointing" she says, clicking her tongue in disapproval "Crucio, Imperio and my personal favourite, Avada Kedavra" she says, smirking slightly

"Now, Headmaster Snape has told us not to use that last one. So we won't. However, we feel as if it is our obligation to teach you the other two. Now, if I could get two volunteers to come to the front of the class?" Alecto asks, raising an eyebrow when no one volunteers

"No one? Fine. You two, come here" she says, pointing to Seamus and I.

I feel the blood drain from my face as we both share a petrified look. We both reluctantly make our way to the front of the class, and I began to shake slightly.

"Now. We will be practicing the Cruciartus curse, one of the most useful and versatile curses ever" Alecto says, placing her hand on my shoulder, she leans over to me and whispers "but you'd know that, wouldn't you"

My heart stops in my chest, as she pats my shoulder "I was there a couple of years ago at the department of Mysteries, and I saw you use it on my brother. I must say, you impressed both me and him" she grins wickedly at me.

I felt sick and angry as I relive that horrible night. When I had performed the Cruciartus curse successfully after my dad died.

If I wasn't pale before, I definitely was now.

"Now. Because we are only learning how to use the Cruciartus curse, I'd only like you to use it for no longer than ten seconds" Amycus says, winking at me

"Why don't you two show us how it's done?" Alecto says, nodding to Seamus and I "ladies first" Amycus says with a chuckle.

My eyes widen in panic. They wanted me to use the Cruciartus curse on Seamus? There's no way!

I shake my head, and stare at the floor, I can see from the corner of my eye Amycus and Alecto staring at me "Well c'mon then! We don't have all day!"

I shake my head again "I won't do it" My heart was thumping in my chest and I could feel my cheeks heating up, but I didn't care. I wouldn't perform that curse on my friend

"What did you say?" Alecto says, eyes narrowing. I straighten, and look her straight in the eye. If I was going down, might as well not be a coward about it

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