Sex and family

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It's been about two months after the group split but we still hang out! Today we're gunna do a big skit where we bump into each other or something. Also me and Ro both agreed to do the wedding around his parents area. I'm scared though because he hasn't told his family and clearly his dad doesn't like me. We're flying down there tomorrow to tell them. Right now i'm running around the hotel room from Ro cuz I slapped him in the face to get him up.

"Come on Ro it's not fair this bed sheet is slowin me down!" I laughed.

"Then take it off!" He said finally grabbing me by the waist and throwing me on the bed. He pinned me giving me kisses on my neck knowing it would turn me on. I had enough room to flip over and pin him. He smirked at me. "Your sheets falling how you gunna fix it."

"I'm not." I said before shoving my tongue down his throat I bit his lip before catching some air. I was about to kiss him again but banging in the room above us stopped me. I looked up to the ceiling.

"UGGHH SEETHH"Dean moaned. I looked back down to Roman and we both had those dirty smirks on our face.

"Hounds of justice ha more like horn dogs of justice!" I laughed.

"Looks like were not the only ones having fun." Roman said.I grinded all over him before getting off and walking to the bathroom. "HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!!" He yelled at me.

"Well my nasty ass is taking a shower and uhh maybe you should to." I winked and he was in the bathroom faster than I could say Shield! "Ha like I said horn dogs of justice."

~~30 minutes later~~


"That's one hell of a shower!" I said grabbing two towels handing one to Emily.

"Your tellin me!!" She giggled. Then my phone rang. It was Seth.


Hey man I was wondering if you wanted to come over and eat with us? We ordered pizza.(Seth)

Yea sure we'll be up in a sec we just gotta get ready.


~~End phone call~~

"Get dressed were eating pizza in Dean and Seth's room." I told her and we got dressed and knocked on their door. Seth opened the door and we sat on the couch.

"I was about to call you and tell you where our room is how did you know?" Seth asked. We both look at each other laughing.

"I'll let you do the honors." Emily patted me on the shoulder.

"Well we heard some noise above us and someone was moaning your name. I can't really put my finger on who it was. Hmmm Dean would you happen to know who that was?" I asked pointing at him.

All the blood in his body went to his cheeks."I-I d-don't know.." He whispered turning his face to look at the TV.

I looked at both of them."Ambrose! Rollins! Did you get in a fight with those bruises on your neck??" Now Seth started to blush and Emily elbowed me.

"Sweety those aren't bruises they're circular! I..I think those are hickeys!" Emily smirked.

"Well I get why Seth would have them but Dean what happened??" I questioned they both had the same shade of blush."Can I ask you guys one serious question?" They both nodded hesitantly."Dean how is it to lose your virginity again and Seth was he good?" Both their mouths hung open.

"Close your mouths we don't want you doing anything while we're here." Emily said and I busted out laughing.

"I invited you guys over for pizza not to talk about our sex life."Seth scolded us."I knew we were to loud."Seth whispered to Dean.

"How the fuck am I not gunna react when you deep throated me out of no where." Dean Whisper yelled.

"Whoa whoa whoa it sound like you had alot to eat Mr.Rollins you sure you wanna eat pizza?" I asked. Seth just gave me a "really" face.

"Emily how are you doing?" Seth asked.

"I'm doing good probably not as good as you." after she said that there was a knock on the door.

"Thank the lord almighty!" Dean said getting up and paying for the pizza. "I hope peperoni's okay for you perverts." He said throwing the pizza on the table.

~~7:00 A.M Plane just took of~~

I honestly think i'm more scared than Emily is about this. I knew she could tell I was scared.

"Honey stop fidgeting you're making me terrified! Plus i'm tryin to snuggle." Emily said pushing her head up against my shoulder.

"Because I am." I said lifting my arm up and putting it around her.

"Don't say that just text Seth and Dean i'm sure they can help you chill out."Emily said to me. I followed her advice and I talked to Dean.



D:Hey?? Aren't u on the plane and u never text me wats up?

R:I'm scared as shit about how my parents are gunna react. Emily told me to text u guys

D: ohh don't worry man! Just remember u'll always have ur girl. Don't worry about ur parents it's ur life and u can do watever u want wit it!

R: Thanks man this really is helping so wats up wit u??

D: Nothing good. Did u see those looks me and Seth were getting yesterday at work? now i'm embarrassed more than ever!

R:I did!! I think they're jealous of u bros cuz all their partners r at home and they can't get any lol

D:Still... :/

R:come on y don't u talk to Seth? Where is he anyway I tried to talk to him 2 but he didn't answer

D: He's with Aj to catch up since she just came back.

After talking to Dean alittle bit more about things I felt alittle better. Except for the numbing that has now reached my arm. I didn't wanna wake her up but I had to and we were landing soon."Emily wake up we're almost here." I some how shook her awake and she slapped me."Now now you remember what happened last time."

"Shut up!!" She croaked out.

~~Roman's parents house~~

I pulled in the drive way and both our nerves are jumping. Just walking to the door made me a nervous wreck. Knocking on door of course with my luck Dad answered."How have you been I was worried about you!" He said hugging me.

"I've been good I have some great news for y'all."I said.

"News? I see you brought it but come in." I Glared at him. I don't get what is his problem with her! He hasn't really talked to us after letting us in but i'm fine with that. I introduced her to my brother and my mom. It was in the middle of dinner when he finally asked.

"So son what did you want to tell us??" He asked.

"Well me and Emily are engaged and thinking about having the wedding here in Florida."I smiled pulling her close to me.

"I don't want to be offensive but don't you think you can do alittle better sweety?" My mom said.

"Help me your bothers getting touchy." Emily whispered in my ear. I looked over to see his hand inching up her leg.

"Get your hands off my girl you filthy son of a bitch!" I glared at him.

"Roman you have changed. A new attitude.What happened to you is your head on straight? You sure you wanna marry this girl?"My mom said.

"YES I'M 1 MILLION PERCENT SURE I WANNA MARRY HER!I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE DAMN PROBLEM IS SHE'LL BE MINE AND ALL MINE AND YOU CAN'T DO A DAMN THING ABOUT IT. EVERY BIT OF HAPPINESS AND JOY I FIND YOU ALWAYS FIND A WAY TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME.....You know what it's just not worth fighting for anymore. Come on Emily we're leaving. Hope you have fun living with yourselves." I screamed rushing us to the car.


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