First day of the end.

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They would be such a cute couple. I thought look at Seth and Dean fool around. Roman elbowed me in the stomach. I looked over at him.

"Don't stare at them they'll notice and stop talking. Trust me i've done it before." Roman Whispered to me. I smiled and took one last bite of my sub before pushing it over to Roman.

You want the rest of it??" I asked him.

"You sure you don't want any of it?" He asked

"Yea I'm not really hungry." I said. He shrugged and scarfed it down. I threw all our stuff away and We literally watch those guys fool around for the last 5 minutes. "You wanna leave them alone?" I asked Roman. He nodded. "Okay boys were gonna take off. Let Ro know if you want to do anything else. All I know is that I need a nap and hopefully get some cuddles in." I said yawning.

"Okay see ya Emily. Bye Ro." Dean laughed along with Seth. I smiled at them and walked out to the car.

~~Car Ride~~


"Did you really have to call me Ro?" I asked annoyed.

"Sorry but I think it's cute." she smiled rubbing my leg. I can't lie she was kind of turning me on right now and I blushed alittle. I think she understood because she started massaging my inner thy.

"Stop we're not at the hotel yet and you're tempting me." I warned.

"Well we're just gonna have to speed aren't we." she said biting her lip.

"Oh your going to drive me crazy." I told her speeding up the car.

A/N: if you don't already know sexually content is gonna happen so beware!!


My hand was now massaging his crotch and you could tell he was trying so hard to stay focused which made me giggle alittle. As soon as we parked we both bolted into the hotel and bolted up the stairs. fiddling with the door key we got in the room and I shoved my tongue down his throat and wrapped my legs around his waist. He took off my shirt and I took off his. I gave him love bites as he took of my bra. He let out a moan as I hit a sweet spot. Getting up I ripped my pants off and unbuckled his pants and pulled his boxers down. I grabbed his cock and stroked it his litle moans of pleasure turned me on even more.I put him in my mouth and started bobbing while he put his hands through my hair.

"Ughh....EEMIILY" he moaned.I stopped and lick all the way back to his mouth giving him a kiss. He growled and threw me on the bed and force my legs open. "I'll show you why you don't tease me." he growled sticking two fingers in me.


"Beg for me!" He growled.

"ROMAN I FUCKING WANT YOU. PLEASE BABY UGHHH PLEASEEE!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He finally slammed into me making the air leave me."UGHH ROMAN YOUR SO BIG." I moaned. after acouple more minutes of hard powerful thrust I think we were ready.

"UGHH EMILLYYY IMM GUUNNAA!!" He screamed before we both came. He fell on top of me and I let out a grunt.

"I know your out of breath baby but I'm kinda getting crushed." I breathed out.

"Sorry that was the best." He said rolling over. "I need to do this now so I know. Haha this not the perfect moment to do this but I want to know if you will be mine forever and Marry me. I know I don't have a ring and all but this whole day has made me realize how much I need you and I love you." He asked.

I turned and look at him. "Yes Yes Yes a thousand times yes!" said before kissing him. I snuggled up to him.

"We'll get a ring this week." I heard him say before I fell asleep.


I woke up to a call on my phone. It was Dean.

Hey man what's up (Me)

Nothing much. Me and Seth were wondering if you loud mouths would like to go to dinner with us because we have some news. (Dean)

Why are we loud mouths? and yea we can do that because we have something to tell you too.

Come on half the fucking hotel heard you scream each others names!


Hahaaha someones embarrassed just meet us in the lobby at seven.

~~End of phone call~~

I look at the clock it was 10 minutes before 6.-_- Really Dean an hour! I look over to my side to see her sleeping peacefully ughh I don't wanna wake her up!! "Baby you need to get up were leaving in an hour to meet Dean and Seth for dinner." I whispered in her ear.

"Can't you go alone." She mummbled into a pillow.

"No they have to tell us something and so do we." I said.

"Alright this better be big!" She said dragging herself out of bed.

~~Dressing and driving to the resturant~~

We order our food and talked during the wait. "So what do you want to tell us??" I asked.

"you guys first!" They said in unison. I looked over at Emily and smiled at each other.

"Well..uhh now as of today we're engaged!" Emily said. Their smiles were a mile wide.

"Now tell us!" I said.

"......uhhh..well" Dean said you could tell he was getting nervous and Seth rubbed his leg.

"He trying to say that we'll be going to your guys wedding together." Seth said holding up his and Dean's hand.

"FINALLY!!!!" Emily screamed.


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