Why save me (Roman Reigns WWE)

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I haven't seen that many Roman Reigns fan fictions!! So i'm making one. I am not going to use his real name i'll just stick with Roman.



I am just cooling down my workout by taking a jog through Cleveland since WWE is here. To be honest I think i'm jogging in a bad neighborhood. I started to relax when I got back into the city. It looks like I would be scared of nothing but this city creeps me out! There was this ear piercing scream. Looking around people just kept walking and I know they heard it. I walked forward alittle to look down an ally. This girl had blonde brown hair bruses, cuts and a black eye. She was held agaisnt a wall by a man who was getting alittle to touchy with her.

"Don't scream again! You know you're going to die anyway!" He hissed. She started crying. That's when he pulled out a blade and stabbed her in the leg hard and the sound of that punch he gave her echoed off the walls. I can't take this anymore!


"Aww someone came to the rescue! How cute!! Stay back stupid bitch." He kicked the blade in futher making her past out from the pain.

"You are so going to get it!!" I said balling my fist up.

"Lets see what you got!" I went over when he swinged first. Grabbed his wrist before he hit me I twisted his arm and punched him as hard as I could. I kicked him on the ground and kicked him over and over until he didn't bother to get up. I ran over to that girl and picked her up bridal style blood squirting out of her leg. I ran to the hotel and ran up the stairs not bothering who looked at me. I found my room put the keycard in and put her carefully on the bed.

"Who the hell is that?!?!" Seth asked me. I went to the bathroom and got a towel.

"Seth just help me real quick! On three you're going to pull the blade out." He looked at me like I was crazy. I didn't care and gave him a glare. "One...two....three!" I wraped the towel around her leg as tight as I could to stop the bleeding.

"Roman i'm not a doctor but i'm pretty sure she is going to need stitches." Seth still looked at me crazy.

"I want to wait till she wakes up."

"If she dies it's your fault not mine!" I sat next to her she looked so calm. About twenty minutes later she started to open her eyes.

"Where am I?" She asked her voice soft and quiet.

"Right now we're going to take you to the hospital." I picked her up bridal style again. "Hey can you drive?" I asked Seth and he nodded. I sat in the back with her to make sure she doesn't pass out again. Once we got there they got a wheel chair for her and we wheeled her to a room they told us to wait in. I picked her up and put her on the table.

"Thank you so much for everthing." She said her voice getting weaker by each word. I just smiled at her. That's when the doctor came in.

"What is the problem?"

"She got stabbed with a knife in her left leg from a fight."

"Excuse me ma'am what is your name?" The doctor looked her in the face.

"Emily warner."

"Emily do you know your blood type?"

"B positve" she awnsered her voice slowly fading away.

"Ok Emily we are getting you some blood and one of the nurses is going to stitch you up." She just nodded and we wait a couple minutes before the nurse came and hooked her up to IV fluids and gave her blood. After letting her rest for alittle she started stitching. I could see she was in pain because of her eyes closing tightly. They put a bandage around her leg and gave me the papers to let her go. Little did she know she was staying with me. We stayed another hour then she was clear to go.

~~40 minutes later~~

She didn't wake up from the car ride back to the hotel and now she sleeping on the bed and i'm on the couch. Hopefully she won't try to run away in the morning but I don't think she'll want to try to walk tomorrow.


I know this chapter isn't long but it's just to start out and I promise the next one will be longer.


Why save me (Roman Reigns WWE)Where stories live. Discover now