Gross movie

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Ughh why did Emily have to bring that up! I was just getting over him and now i'm stuck thinking about him all night. Come on Seth think!! You like Layla! Always did ever since I got here.

"What are we doing tonight?? We don't have to be anywhere." I asked trying to get the subject off my mind. Which is totally not working right now.

"Moviesssss!!!!!!"Dean's cute self said. SETH STOP!

" Swear to god you're on some type of drugs!!" I told him. He gave me a weird face and I laughed.

"Hey you guys want to see Oculus??" Roman said letting Emily jump on his back. They are just so cute together I wish D- shit did it again.

"Fine with me what about you druggie?" I asked he just gave us a thumbs up then went back to biting his nails."Dean stop biting your nails."

"Whyy?? Does it annoy you???Hmm Sethykins." I glared at him. He knows I hate that nickname. He just smirked and chuckled. We all walked back to the locker room and got changed into some decent clothes. Then we all cracked acouple jokes in the car and now i'm sitting next to Dean who is fidgeting every two seconds.


We're about half way through the movie and it's so boring.

"I have to go to the bathroom i'll be right back." I whispered in Roman's ear. I walked down the stairs  to the door. I couldn't help but feel someone following me but when I looked back there was nothing there. I sighed  and try to calm myself down. It's all in your head you're okay. You're in the bathroom now no one can get you. It's alright your just going crazy. But if only I new I was just lying to myself. I washed my hands after I finished and when I looked up I couldn't believe what I saw.


It's been awhile since Emily left and now it's kind of scaring me. I tapped Dean on his shoulder.

"What?!?" He whispered screamed.

"Emily been gone for awhile and i'm starting to get worried."

"Dude calm down she's probably just taking a dump." He answers carelessly.

"Well it's been like 20 minutes so I'm going to check on her." I told him getting up. In all reality it's only been about 15 but that's still a long time. I walked all the way to the bathroom and walked in. I saw her creepy Dad in the corner her kissing her neck. He turned around and smirked at me and I almost threw up at the site.

"Get the fuck away from her." I warned. He shook his head and kept going with the tears visible on Emily's face it made me grow mad. He started unbuttoning her shirt which through me over the edge and all I could see was red. I grabbed him and threw him against the stall making him unconscious. I didn't care I just kept beating the shit out of him till he was a bloody mess.

"ROMAN STOP IT!" I snapped back to reality to see that Seth and Dean were trying to pull me away. I spit on him and washed my hands off. I looked up in the morrior to see the monster I am and to see that Seth and Dean are looking at me like I was crazy.

"WHAT THE FUCK ELSE WAS I SUPPOSE TO DO HE NEARLY RAPED HER!!.........STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!!!!" I stomped out of the room to get some fresh air. I pushed through the doors and took a look around at the people walking in. I looked at my hands that are shaking violently. I slid down the brick wall and tried to hold back the silent sobs.

"Sir you need to come with us." I looked up at a cop holding cuffs. I got up and turned around with my hands behind my back. 

"FUCK!" I screamed. I am so fucked right now I don't even care.


I just watch Roman beat the shit out of my dad and freak out. Seth came over to me and helped me up. I struggled to button my shirt up but after awhile I got it.

"Are you okay??" Seth asked me.

"I...I think?"

"We should probably leave and get Roman." Dean said. we walked out but soon got stopped by Police. Shit.

"We took your friend to jail. He'll be giving a court date. You guys could give statements to help the poor man that was attacked."

"If anything it'll be against that pathetic excuse of a life. I hope he rots in hell and gets a death sentence just look at his record and watch the damn tape." I yelled at him and walked away. I saw Roman in the cop car and walked towards it. He mouth sorry and I shook my head and kissed the window.

"Stay back please." A cop said pulling me back. As the car moved away. I glared at the cop and ripped his hands off of me. One damn day just one damn day with a drama free relaxing day. What did I do wrong?

Another short chapter but I'm still thinking sorry :| Share,Comment,Vote! Sorry I just love the thought of Ambrollins!!XD

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