I got to tell you something

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I'm just walking back and forth thinking about the stupid thing I just said. That's when I got a call from Dean.

Hey what's up? (me)

I want you to sit down this gunna be alot to take.


Well after you basically told her you loved her she came to us and she....um...she

What she say?!?!?

She says your cool but she likes me....sorry.


I wouldn't lie to you even ask Seth he was there.

Well since we don't have a house show I won't be home till late.

Okay bu-

~~call ended~~

I grabed my things and put them in the rental we got for the week. I rarely do this but a drink would be good right now. I guess me and Dean are gunna switch spots for one night.


I didn't know where I was going but I made it more awkward between me Roman and Dean. I guess i'll ask Seth if he wants to go somewhere if I find him. I went walking around looking for him but I ended up going shopping with Jay and Jimmy. Don't ask me how that happened but they asked first and I had nothing else to do.

~~~~~AT THE MALL~~~

I was helping them shop for clothes that will make them chick magnets. It's been about an hour and we decided to sit down for ice cream!!! and also to sign some peoples things.

"So why'd you say yes to coming with us we wouldn't care if you didn't." Jimmy asked.

"Well I was gonna ask Seth if he wanted to go somewhere but I couldn't find him."

"Why Seth??" Jay questioned

"Pretty awkward situation with Dean and Roman."

"Should I know what awkward means." Jay said smirking at me. I slaped him hard in the chest.

"No you idiot....it's just.....That Roman accidentally said he loved me before I left and I told Dean that I love him."

"So Seth gets no love??" Jimmy says.

"stop this is serious and i'm just so confused." I said putting my head in my hands as they rubbed my back for comfort.

"You'll know what to do when the time comes." Jay explained.

"Hey atleast your crush doesn't know something false about you." Jimmy added with a hint of anger still lingering in his voice which made me laugh.

"Thanks for letting me spend the day with you guys, I really appricate it." I said sitting up.

**ring ring** "oh sorry it's Roman i'll take it." Jay said.

"Hello..........wait what...........Roman where are you??............Are you drunk?..........well atleast tell me where you are.............ROMAN DON'T MAKE ME COME FIND YOU!!...........FINE BE A DICK BUT DON'T COME CRYING TO ME WHEN YOU'RE HURT. Sorry about that, so you want to come to the house show with us? "

"Yea sure it'll help me get my mind off things." I said absolutely sure that it won't. I made him get drunk? What happens if he drives back and crashes. Apparently they could tell something was bothering me.

"Hey is something wrong?" Jay lifted my chin up with his finger.

"No." I lied.

"Come on I know your  lying."

"Please leave it alone." I said wiping a tear away.

"Lets go to the arena and get ready for the show it starts in two hours." Jimmy said changing the subject and we got in the car and drove off.

~~~~~~AT THE ARENA~~~~~~

I had another nice locker room experience and had a weird conversation about cows again don't ask me just happens. Their match was the third one up and when they were up I watched them on TV. Happily they won their match agaisnt a team called the Wyatt family.

"Congrats on your win bros!!" I yelled at them in excitment as they smiled.

"Hey why don't you go to the car while we get dressed and we'll take you back to the hotel. meet you in five." Jimmy said and I started to walk out to the parking lot.

~~~at the hotel asleep at about 3:00 in the morning~~

***knock knock***

Who in hell would knock at this hour I sat up and Seth and Dean were still asleep. Well I guess i'm getting it. I open the door to see a very very drunk Roman.

"I wasssss hoppiingg you'd answer the door" he slurred before grabing me and kissing me forcing his tongue down my throat. He started sucking and biting on my neck.

"R-roman p-please stop. You're d-drunk." I said raising my voice but he would stop.

"Roman please stop. DEAN SETH HELP PLEASE!" I screamed at them and they shot right up and pull him off of me.

"Roman you need to stop you're going to regret it in the morning just go to bed."Seth said trying to calm him down.

"I have never seen him this drunk before." Dean whispered to Seth.

"I know he's going to have a massive hangover in the morning. He called me earlier I should have known where he was going."


I just want to thank all the people who read this and comment when I saw how many reads I got I almost died I was acting like a total retard. You guys are FLIPIN AWWWWEESSSOMME!!! Thank you so much x3 billion gillion zillion. Sorry these chapters are kind of short but I write for one hour and I only come up with like a paragraph. But main point is you guys are one of the best things that happened to me. :)


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