Getting to know more

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I threw on a pair of ripped up jean shorts and a black tank top with warn out flip flops. I brushed my hair did my bussiness, washed my hands and left the bathroom. They all gave me weird looks.

"What? Do I look to poor or a slutty hillbilly? Or just horrible?" I asked.

"Niether you look.........well you look......" Roman tryed to say but seth finished his sentence "I think he's trying to say you look super hot!!!" Roman nodded slowly staring me down.

I blushed "Well thanks you guys but eye rape me one more time you're gunna regret it." Dean and Seth chuckled but Roman just kept staring until I cleared my throat."So whats for breakfast?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Well I was thinking about going to Bob Evans." Dean said and I nodded.

"LETSSS GOOO!!!" Seth screamed. We all looked at him weird and Dean and Roman just shook their head while I laughed.

FF>>>eating breakfast/talking>>>

"I haven't had a good meal in so long thank you guys so much!!" I said.

"Oh no problem." Dean smiled.

"So....I bet everyone would love to know a little more about you." Seth said.

"Well where do I i'm not suppose to be here but there's always a reason right? Well there's not much to tell I worked at a Mcdonalds making not much money. Being born with a drug addict and an alchoholic dad doesn't turn out that good. The only thing I looked forward to was going to school even though my so called firends would give me shit and the teachers would judge me because of my fucked up dad. One day I got so mad at my dad that I punched him right the eye and boy did I regret doing that so I guess you call me a nobody or a mistake or whatever I already know."

"I don't want you to feel awkward so i'm Dean Ambrose and my Dad was a alchoholic also and my Mom got our money from whoreing around and I well I would get an ass whooping from time to time just because of our neighborhood was horrible. My Dad left me when I was 15 and my Mom died 11 years ago. I never told anyone about this but ever since my mom died I lost it and always find a way to hurt myself or get in any trouble. One day I hurt myself so bad I had to get 20 stiches on my leg.........the only reason I got with so many girls is because I lost a girl that i'll never see again. Her name was Amber and I blew it on some hoe that was all up on me. I was so wasted that I had no clue what I was doing." I gave him a sympathic look and Roman and Seth looked shock.

"Why did you never tell us??" Seth asked.

"Because I don't want to get treated differently."

"Since we're going around the table and I want to change the subject.............i'm Roman Reigns and I grew up in family of Somans. I only did football to get away from my family but they sucked me back in. It's not that I don't like being a family with them it's awesome you just get so annoyed with them. They really say what's on their mind even if it's very hurtful. The thing that still haunts me is I was going to actually ask this girl to marry me when she was just using me for money and just so she could get with my older brother. A year later they got married and I call that bitch my sister-in-law. So I never go back home they always visit me."

"Well last but not least i'm Seth Rollins and I don't have a sad sob story. My life was perfect for me and I also have a big familia. Wresling is my life and when I was wreslting people always told me that I looked like the future CM Punk. They may be right and may be wrong but hopefully they're right so I can become WWE champion. I didn't fit in school that much but I managed and I certainly didn't turn out that bad. Well I think."

FF>>>>>at the mall>>>>>

We went in the doors and stopped at a store when Roman said " Do you guys know what attire we should put on her?"

"We'll get her some black jeans and some combat boots. We should also get her a vest. What jean size?" Seth asked.

"I have no clue maybe a 10. I'll go with you guys."

"No the only way were going to get out of here fast enough is if we split up." Dean explained. Before I could open my mouth they ran off. I looked up at Roman and he just shook his head.

"So if you were to picture yourself in clothes would it be girly or t-shirt and shorts?" He asked.

"T-shirt shorts."

FF>>>done shopping and driving to the next location which is Cincinnati,Ohio.
Time: 8:30>>>>>>>>>>

The mall with basically only Roman the whole day was awesome! I don't think I could ever repay him. I got tons of clothes and a suit case to put them in and we even managed to slip in some arcade time. I found out alot of things about him. He has so many memories in his head. I was suprised by how many people knew him. We went back to the hotel awhile ago to get their things and I tryed on my ring attire it fits perfectly. We've only been in the car for an hour and we have 4 more to go. I'm terrified of what i'll be doing tomorrow but atleast I picked up a few things from street fighting.

"What exactly am I doing tomorrow?" I asked out of the blue.

"Well you beat the shit out of a diva and talk smack about the divas division and don't worry if something goes wrong we'll help you." Dean explained and Seth, Roman nodded in agreement.

FF>>night of MAIN EVENT>>>>

I am sooooo scared right now i'm about to go out there. This morning I practiced so hard and apparently i'm good. I keep thinking about Dean and his life I feel so bad for him. I snapped out of it when Roman pulled me down the stairs. I am going agaisnt this girl named Aksana? Something like that and I heard she's a horrible wreslter. I got in the ring and the bell rung.

***Ding Ding Ding***

She started to run after me and I kicked her in her face. I went for the pin.


Dean hand me the microphone and I started to talk smack with a mixed reaction from the crowd.

"If that's how easy this is going to be then I don't got much of an obstical Obstacle!.......this whole division is a joke......I may not be what you people want but I am what you people need....... You see that was a waste of talent and you should know it. This whole division is an injustice. I used to look up to people like her until I realize that they are nobodys and can't fight for their life....they're like babies..........Helpless. I mean why do guys even like them? Oh what because they're pretty! Well I got some news for ya it's about wreslting not looks!....... My name's Emily and i'm here to bring justice to the divas division." I handed the mic back to Dean and he handed it to Roman "BELIEVE IN THE SHIELD!!!!!" We walked back up the bleachers and back to the locker room to get changed. I got into a shield shirt and white shorts. I walked out of the divas locker room and knocked on the superstars locker room door.



Why save me (Roman Reigns WWE)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin