Are you telling the truth?!?

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I was suspended for a week for apparently embarrassing the WWE company but I really didn't give a shit because I have Emily a.k.a my girlfriend!! Although Dean and Seth are mad at me because they can't do any work for a week but at least that gives us a new story line about what's happening with Emily now in The Shield. But since my suspension's over Dean and Seth still don't know about me and Emily. I don't even know how that's possible but they did seem to be kind of distant lately.

**knock knock**

"Come on Roman we're going to the gym now!" Dean said annoyed. They also been all grumpy too. I quickly got off the couch grabbed my keys and my bag.I walked out the door to some grumpy morning people.

"some people are not morning people." I mumbled walking behind Dean and Seth. Walking with Emmi I gave her a side hug and she smiled. The car ride was quiet with everyone having earbuds in except me and taking a look out the window looking at the ghost town and the slowly rising sun. we hit Cross fit and I did some squats and what not for 2 hours then we finally hit the rings for practice and I told Dean and Seth to go off by themselves and I'll teach Emily some more good moves.

"Ready to learn some more basics??" I asked looking over at the small room with a couple rings in it.

"Ready than I'll ever be." I showed her some basic like how to land when she falls out of the ring and showed her a couple more moves like back breaker, Irish whip,and some body slams. Then we worked on selling moves.

"Lets see if you can incorporate any of the moves I just showed you in a match." We circled off and locked up. she kneed me in the stomach. "good" I grunted. She bounced off the ropes going for a kick but I caught her leg and she looked at me. I was going to throw her leg down but she kicked me in the face with her other leg. I stumbled over little then all i felt pressure in my mid section and my feet get swept from under me.

"123" She fast counted. I chuckled at her and put my hand out for her to help me up. She gladly tried to pull me up but I pulled her down and pinned her down.

"Nobody beats Roman Reigns with his own signature and does a fast count!! It's not that easy sweety." I stared at her and she gave me a crazy Aj face making me chuckle again. Shes the only one that can make me smile.

"I'm sorry mister whats the consequence for winning??"

"I think you could lend some sugar." I leaned in making our lips connect we made out for what seemed like the longest time. We stopped for air and I bit my lip.

"Ugh your so hot when you do that." She said then cringed regretting saying that making me chuckle again. I leaned back in for another kiss but it was cut short by my nosy friend.

"Hey Dean is that what practicing wrestling looks like??" Seth asked Dean. I let go of her rolling my eyes.

"Well Seth it will lead to a type of wrestling but not the type we know." Dean commented back.

"Leave us alone before I call Eve and Kaitlyn on your ass." I said standing up while helping Emily up. God she's so hot. I jumped out of the ring just like I showed her earlier and she did the same.

"Ah I see you were teaching her some new things instead of fooling around the whole time." Dean smirked. He can be such an


Asshole at times. "Don't talk about foolin around to me Mr.Ambrose." Roman remarked. Ugh what would I do without him wait I know this one i'd be dead. I smiled thinking about how one kind action turned my whole life around. Let's be honest that wasn't just a kind action. He looked over at me and I strangled him with a hug and made out with him again.

"I know it's to early to say this but I just love you sooooooo much!!" I said taking a breather from that amazing kiss.

"I love you too. More than you could imagine." He said hugging me back tighter.

"Eeeewie!" Dean said in discussed. "Awwww" Seth cooed smacking Dean in the back of the head while I chuckled.

"Alright knuckle heads lets get something to eat it's on me." Seth said waving his wallet in the air walking away.

"Seth be careful you don't want to fall!!" Dean yelled.

"Oh give it up at least I can fix it with a spinaroni." Seth yelled at him and I was confused.

"Last time we were here Seth fell flat on his ass." Roman laughed and I let out a little chuckle and he gave us a death glare.


I'm a couple minutes away from going down to the ring and calling out anyone that wanted to fight me.

"Emily you got around two minutes to get in position." I nodded and walked up to the entrance. Before I knew it I was up and walked down the stairs to the ring. Okay Emily you're gonna use what Roman taught you. Jumping over the barricade my heart pounded faster as the people booed louder. Snatching a microphone from someone I jumped in the ring.

"Now has anyone thought about getting beat next?? I mean this whole division sucks there's nothing but losers. Maybe that one crazy little one uhh what's her name Cj no that's not it or how about that one that's known for being a hoe around here, Eve." I walked around taping the mic to my chin listening to the crowd chant you suck. "Apparently you haven't been watching lately so I suggest you shut the hell up. Now who's next? Ladies I don't got all day for you to be scared! Fine I guess i'll just be leaving then" Before leaving the ring the bella's music went off and I smirked seeing the tiny one what's her name....Brie. We started the match with a lock up and I kneed her in the gut then I bounced off the ropes Close lining her making her fall down. I did a couple elbows then I waited for her to get up and did a drop kick and pinned her. 1..2.. She kicked out finally someone I can fight. I got up but she grabbed my ankle pulling me down and put me in a sleeper hold. I soon broke it by slamming her into the turnbuckle then turned around ramming my shoulder in her gut backing up I wait for her to come at me and gave her an elbow to the face knocking her out.1...2...3!

"Here is your winner from The Shield Emily!!!" The ring announcer screamed and the ref lifted my hand. I walked in the back to a hug.

"That was awesome!!" Roman said spinning me around. I looked up and smiled and nodded at Dean and Seth.

"Roman??" an unfamiliar face said.


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