Jail Time

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I'm pacing back and forth in this cell. I don't know how people can stand this.

"Reigns you got one call use it wisely." A cop said unlocking the door and escorting me to the phone. I decided to call Seth since he's always on his phone.

Hello? (Seth)

Can you see if you can bail me out? (Me)

Yea we're working on that right now. Are you Bubba's bitch yet?? **Slap** Ouch (Dean)

Am I really on speaker??


Well get me the fuck out of this place i'm bout to smack my head against the wall.

"Reigns two minutes."

Okay we'll let you go.(Seth)

Love you.(Emily)

Love you to bye guys. I hung up the phone and got escorted back into the cell. I look in a drawer to see a bible. I picked it up and threw it back in there. I chuckled at the thought that god is helping us.


I'm so worried about Roman.We followed those stupid ass cop. That's when someones phone was ringing.

"Hello?" Seth said putting it on speaker.

"Hey can you see if you can bail me out?" Roman said. I let all my worries go as I heard his voice.

"Yea we're working on that right now. Are you Bubba's bitch yet?" Dean chuckled. I slapped him in the back of the head. "Ouch!" I glared at him.

"Am I really on speaker?!?!" Ro said annoyed.

"Yup." Seth said.

"Well get me the fuck out of this place i'm bout to smack my head against the wall." Roman said. "Reigns two minutes." Someone said in the background.

"Okay we'll let you go." Seth said.

"Love you." I said.

"Love you too bye guys."He sighed hanging up. I hope the police station isn't that far away.

~~10 Minutes later~~

We finally got to the station. We went up and they said he was charged with aggravated assault and the fine is One thousand dollars if we took him out now.

"How the fuck do we get a thousand dollars?" I asked them.

"Calm down we get emergency credit cards from Vince for things like this." I'll try to figure something out." He finished saying walking over to the desk.

"Do they even take credit cards??" I asked worried.

"I don't know they better." Seth said. It looked like Dean was arguing from where I was standing. Dean talked to the lady for a couple more minutes before coming back here. He looked alittle angry but it seem that he was cooling down once he got here.

"Seth do you have two hundred bucks I could borrow they said they would cut the price in half." Seth picked out his wallet and handed it to him. Dean nodded and walked back over there.Untill what felt like forever I was finally in Roman's arms.

"Thanks for saving me from it." I said into his chest. I breathe in his scent. And that was officially the moment I new I can't live without this man.

I was in a tight hold by Emily. I loved being hugged by her and I never new that us being separated for only two hours would make me freak out. I never felt something like it. but isn't it to early to ask her to marry me.

"Whatz with the big grin??" Seth asked me quickly snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Aww dude did you fart?!?!" Dean yelled. Making Emily unlatch me and back away.

"Ahh come on No now look what you did!! We need to go anyways." I said putting my hood up as did the rest of us. We ran over to the car and started driving home.

"Now what were you grinning about Mr.Reigns." Seth asked again.

"Uhh I was just thinking." I said.

"Thinking about what?" He asked again.

"Well just the future. That's all i'm going to tell you later so don't try to pry more information out of me Rollins." I told him.

"Well damn!" Seth said. He finally arrived at the hotel and This time I had a room with Emily and no one else. I layed on the bed and patted the spot next to me. We snuggled up together.

"Are you okay?" I finally sighed.

"Yea. Well at least we know I have someone that can take care of me and is not afraid to fight back." She said. We just layed there until finally I could hear her softly snore. I slowly snuck out of bed and on to the balcony. Pulling out my phone I decided to call Seth to say whats been on my mind. He has always been a good listener.

Hello? Is something wrong? (Seth)

No I just need some advice (Me)


Well she's the one

That's great man but I don't see what's wrong?

When should I ask her?? Is it to early??

I would wait maybe another month or so but you have to be absolutely sure. Don't go rushing things. I guess the only thing I could say is follow your heart. I really don't know what else to tell ya.

I'll talk to you later. Thanks for talking to me.

No problem man.

~~End call~~

Well I guess I'll be going crazy till I ask her. I looked out over the city. Guess it's more alive at night. I walked in the room and layed back down stroking her hair. "God you're so beautiful." With all these things circling in my mind it was making me tired.


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