Wait what!?!?

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I woke up and thank god she was still asleep. Tonight's RAW and were gunna have to bring her because otherwise she'll be in that situation again. I got up and took a shower but forgot my clothes so I wrapped the towel around me and took my suitcase and got some clothes. I put on some boxers and shorts before she started moving around in the bed.

"SHIT!" She screamed.

"What?" I asked.

"My leg h-.....who the hell are you and what happened?"

"Just call me Roman and knife was in your leg. Just wondering how the hell did you get yourself in this mess?"

"Well....um..i'm kind of the daughter of a big time drug dealer and gambler. It was this client who my dad needs to pay him huge amounts of money. So he held me captive until he got what he wanted. My dad being a dick and having no mom since she ran away I had no one to....we'll say bail me out. That day you saved me was the day I was running away. He ran out to get things and I ran away but I didn't know he was just getting some cigarettes so he was back in time to see I was running away."

My face was in shock. "Didn't they put a missing sign up or something?"

"I don't think they do that for 27 year olds and even if they did it wouldn't matter."

**ring ring**

Hello? (Me)

Aren't you eating breakfast with us? (Seth)

Yea we'll be right down.

Ok see ya

---call ended-----

"You ready to get some breakfast?" I asked.

"HELL YEA I AM! Oh I mean sure."She said sitting up. I just let out alittle chuckle and helped her up. We walked down to the elevator and got on. Waiting about a minute or two we got off and I saw Dean waving so I helped her over there and sat her in her chair.

"Emily this is Dean and this is Seth." I said pointing to both of them. She just smiled.

"How are you feeling?" Seth asked.

"Could of been dead so I guess alright." She laughed nervously.

"How did this happen?" Dean asked.

"I'm kind of the daughter of a big time drug dealer and gambler. It was this client who my dad needs to pay him huge amounts of money. So he held me captive until he got what he wanted. My dad being a dick and having no mom since she ran away I had no one to....we'll say bail me out. That day Roman saved me was the day I was running away. He ran out to get things and I ran away but I didn't know he was just getting some cigarettes so he was back in time to see that I was running away." Their faces were just as shocked as mine.

"So I was thinking we would take her to RAW and then back to her place." I said trying to change the subject.

"There's one problem with that." She said.

"What is it?" Dean asked.

"Where do you think they kidnapped me from?"

"Maybe she can stay with us for alittle if it's fine with you guys?" Seth suggested.

"I'm fine with it. Are you Mr.Reigns?" Dean asked me.

"I guess that settles it! Now do you want eggs or pancakes?" I asked Emily.

"Eggs and if they have bacon take a crap load of it." So I got up and with her luck they had bacon. I got our plates and sat back down. She had a huge smile on her face and started eating her bacon.

Why save me (Roman Reigns WWE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن