Chapter 20

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The next morning…

Kristie woke up early and sat up in bed.  She looked around the room and didn’t just know some of the things from the past four years, she remembered everything.  She was elated; she couldn’t believe that all of her memories came back.  She suddenly was faced with the moments of her kidnapping and Shane and Jeremy.  These are the memories that she did not want to have.  She ran out of her room and went down the hall to Avi’s room and knocked before entering.  Avi was sleeping peacefully, and was woken up by the knocking.  He looked over towards the door and smiled when he saw Kirstie standing there in the doorway. 

She ran up to him and said, “Avi, wake up, I remember now.”

He sat up and said, “What?”

“I remember it all.  I just woke up and it’s like someone flipped a switch in my head.  It’s all back like it never went away.  But, I also remember the kidnapping and Shane and Jeremy,” Kirstie said crawling into the bed with Avi. 

Avi moved over some and pulled her in close and held her and said, “You probably need to go talk to the police now that you remember everything just to make sure that Shane and Jeremy told them everything.”

“I’ll call the officer later, I’m just glad that they are both in jail,” Kirstie says.

“Have you told Em that you got your memories back?” Avi asked.

“You were the first one that I wanted to see,” Kirstie says holding Avi closer.

“I’m so happy for you, Kirstie, but I’m sorry that you remember the kidnapping.  I was glad that you didn’t have to remember that, I’m here if you want to talk about it, though.” Avi says.

Mitch slowly got up for the day and got ready, he really needed some coffee.  He walked out into the hallway and knocked on Scott’s door.  He heard a hushed voice and then, “Come in.”

He walked in and saw Scott lying in bed and there was a large lump beside him.  Mitch knew instantly that it was Emma, but he decided to have a little fun.  He walked over to Scott’s bed and smiled and said, “Good morning, Scott.”

Scott smiled and said, “Good morning, what’s up?”

Mitch said, “Oh, I don’t know, just woke up and felt like making some coffee.  You wouldn’t mind if I rest right here for a minute?” With that, Mitch plopped down on top of the large lump in the bed and laughed.

Emma laughed too and pulled the covers down from her head and said, “Mitch!”

Scott couldn’t help but laugh too and said, “So much for hiding in here, Em.”

Mitch sat up and shot a smirk to both Emma and Scott and said, “Well, I will see you two later and I’ll talk to you both later.”  Mitch walked out of the room and shut the door and was very happy for his two friends. 

Emma looked at Scott and said, “Well, I guess everyone will know now that I spent the night in here.”

Scott curled up with Emma and said, “Who cares what they think.”

“I guess I don’t really care, I don’t want people to get the wrong idea, we didn’t do anything, you know.  It’s just this isn’t really the type of thing that I normally do back at home,” Emma says.

“Like what, spend the night with your boyfriends?” Scott asks.

“Yea, I don’t really spend the night with guys that I am dating.”

“Well, that’s good, are you currently dating anyone right now by the way?  I guess I should have asked that a lot sooner,” Scott said with a little bit of nervousness in his voice.

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