Chapter 14

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(A/N... Okay, so I don't usually update so close together, but I thought that I would.. :)  Thanks to you, my readers, you make my day! Enjoy!!! )

(Kevin’s POV)

Everyone is finishing up getting ready.  I head into the living room and announce, “Hey Everyone, it’s time to go.  I rented a limo for us!” 

“What?” Mitch asks.

“Yea, I didn’t want us drinking and driving tonight and this way, we can just sit back and have a good time!” I say.

“Thanks Kevin, that’s awesome!” Mitch says.

Everyone comes out and we are all looking great!  Everyone is smiling, so that’s always good too.

We head out to the limo and pile into the car.  We head off to dinner. 

(Kirstie’s POV)

I need to talk to Emma and let her know what Mitch saw.  I tried to get Mitch to talk to Emma before we left, but he wanted to wait.  He didn’t want to ruin the evening, with everything else going on. 

I look over at Emma and see that she and Scott are sitting side by side talking.  I smile and think that they actually look like they both like each other a lot and I nudge Avi and shoot my eyes to them.  Avi leans over and says, “Ah, do you think that he’ll actually tell her how he feels about her?”

“I hope so,” I say. 

“Well, it took us a long time, Kirstie, so, just give it time.” Avi says.

“Very funny, Avi,” I say.

“I couldn’t just come up to you the very first day of meeting you and say, “Hi, my name is Avi, and I think that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life and I think that I could love you one day.”

I turn quickly to Avi and say, “Did you really think that?”

He smiles and kisses me on the cheek and then pulls me for a hug. 

I look at Avi and whisper in his ear, “I falling for you more and more every day.”

I lean back and he pulls me in for a kiss and we are again, in our own little world. 

(Scott’s POV)

I’m glad that Emma and I are sitting by each other; I really need to figure out how to tell this girl how I feel.  I tease her, “So, are you going to sing a song?”

“I don’t know.  I might need some liquid encouragement first.  You should sing though.” Emma says.

“Any special requests?” I say with a smile.

Emma ponders this and says, “Hmmm, I’ll have to think about that one.”

“Just say the word, I’ll sing it.” I say.

I lean back and put my hand down and touch Emma’s hand.  I take hold of her hand and softly run my fingers across her hand and my thumb against her wrist.  She looks at me and smiles and leans into me.  I lean into her and whisper in her ear, “You look beautiful by the way.”

She giggles softly and says, “Thanks Scott, you look great too.”

I take her hand and interlock my fingers and raise it up to my lips and kiss her hand gently.  I place our hands between us and rest them on my lap.

(Emma’s POV)

Oh my goodness!  Did Scott just call me beautiful and kiss my hand!  Is he actually flirting with me!! Breathe Em… Breathe Em….

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