Chapter 18

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“Scott, Emma!!!” Mitch said coming into the room.  Scott and Emma sit up and say, “What?”
“They found Kirstie, but they said that she’s on her way to the hospital, she tried to get away and jumped from a window and fell and hit her head,” Mitch said breathlessly.
Emma jumped up and hugged Mitch and turned back to Scott and said, “Let’s go, now.”
They took two cars to the hospital and once inside; Emma ran to Emergency and looked for the officers.  They were waiting outside Kirstie’s room and stopped Emma before she could enter.
“What’s wrong, I need to see her, I’m family,” Emma said.
“Miss, let the doctors look at her,  she hit her head pretty bad, they are prepping her for surgery now, so they can stop the bleeding,” the officer says with a sincere voice.
Emma walks over to a nearby bench and sits down and drops her head into her hands.  Mitch sits beside her and they hold onto each other.  Kevin comes over and sits beside Mitch.  On the other side of the hallway, Avi and Scott sat.  They did their best to wait patiently and after about three hours, a doctor came down the hallway and looked at the group and said, “Emma?”
Emma stood up and said, “Yes, doctor, is Kirstie okay?  Please tell me.”
The group stood as well and they stood behind Emma, and the doctor said, “Are you family?”
Emma without hesitation said, “Yes, we are all her family, whatever you tell me, you can say in front of all of us.”  
The doctor explained that Kirstie suffered a large injury to her head with the fall.  The surgery was successful to stop the bleeding and she is in recovery now.  She should wake up soon, but to be cautious, because they do not know if she has suffered any brain damage. 
Emma looks at the doctor, “Brain damage, what kind of brain damage?”
“Well, sometimes in these cases, there is a loss of memory.  Sometimes, there is a loss of the use of one side of your body.  We just really don’t know until she wakes up, but this is the best hospital on the coast and we are confident that she will make a full recovery,” the doctor says.
Emma says, “Can I go see her?”
“Yes, but only two at a time,” the doctor says pointing to the room where Kirstie was.
Emma reached for Avi’s hand, knowing that he wanted to see Kirstie.  They slowly walked into the room and heard the beeps of the machines that surrounded Kirstie.  Emma walked over to one side of Kirstie and reached for her hand and sat in a nearby chair.  Avi walked on the other side of Kirstie and held her other hand.  Kirstie just laid there.  Emma leaned down and kissed Kirstie on her forehead and said, “Kirstie, we are all here, it’s time to wake up now.”
Emma leaned back in the chair and sat and just watched Kirstie.  She looked so peaceful, almost like she was just sleeping.  Avi leaned in and kissed Kirstie on her cheek and whispered in her ear, “Baby, I’m here, I love you.”
Emma smiled at Avi and they sat in silence as they both held onto Kirstie’s hands.  After a little time, they left the room so that the others could come in and see her.  Emma walked out into the hallway and nodded for Mitch and Scott to go in.  Mitch and Scott headed in and saw their friend and both of them reached for her hands as well.  Mitch said, “Girl, you better wake up soon.” He leaned down and hugged Kirstie and kissed her on her forehead.  Scott squeezed her hand and said, “Kir, we are all here for you.”
They sat for a little while and then got up so that Kevin could come back in.  Emma went in with Kevin.  Kevin sat with Kirstie and prayed as he held her hand and Emma was so touched.  The group took turns spending time with Kirstie for the next several hours. 

(Emma’s POV)
It was getting dark outside now and my stomach was growling at me.  Scott looked over at me and said, “You should eat something, have you eaten anything at all?”
I tried my best to remember what I had eaten, if anything, I remember the breakfast I was making earlier this morning and say, “I think that I had a piece of bacon this morning when I was cooking.”
“Em, let’s go eat something okay, or let me bring you something,” Scott says to me.
I shake my head, “I’m not hungry, I just want to stay here and wait until she wakes up.”
“I know, sweetie, but, let me get you something.  You can stay here and I’ll be back, okay,” Scott said as he leaned down and kissed me gently on top of my head.
I smile and say, “Thank you.”
I turn back to Kirstie and we are alone in the room for a moment.  I lean into her and say, “Kirstie, you need to wake up now, okay.”
I reach for Kirstie’s hand and I feel a small squeeze, I look up at her and see her eyes moving underneath her eyelids and I feel that this is a good sign.  I squeeze her hand back waiting for her to open her eyes.  After a few minutes, Kirstie finally opens her eyes. 

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