Chapter 17

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(A/N:  Thank you for your reads, your comments, and your votes!! :)  I'm updating two chapters at one time!! YAY!  Enjoy!!)

Scott, Avi, and Kevin waited until the cops showed up.  When the police officers showed up, they brought them to the beach where they found the phone.  One of the officers took Kirstie’s phone and said that they were going to go back to the beach house where they were staying so that they could canvas the area.  Scott thought of Emma and Mitch and called them. 

“Hello,” Mitch answered.

“Mitch, I’m coming back to the house, I have news to tell you,” Scott said bleakly.

Mitch sat down knowing this was not a good sign, and said, “Scott, just tell me what’s going on, I have to know.”

Scott took a breath and said, “Kirstie is missing, we can’t find her, just found her phone with a message for Avi.  We called the cops and they are heading back to the beach house to canvas the area.”

“No, no, no…” Mitch said as tears fell from his eyes.  Emma came over and sat beside Mitch and put her arm around him.  Mitch dropped his phone and leaned into Emma mumbling something.  Emma reached down to the phone and picked it up, “Hello?”

“Em, I’ll be home soon.  Okay, I have to go now.” Scott said.

“Scott, what’s going on, Mitch is crying hysterically.  Please just tell me,” Emma said.

Scott told her knowing her reaction would be similar to Mitch’s.  He was feeling that way too, but he was trying to stay brave for them all.  He wanted to find Kirstie and would do anything to find her.  Emma hung up and as her tears flowed, she hugged Mitch as they cried together. 

Scott, Avi, Kevin, and about five other police officers came up to the backside of the beach house.  Emma and Mitch ran out to see everyone.  Emma went up to Scott and hugged him as he held her.  She said, “This can’t be happening, I just saw her this morning.”

Scott leaned down and said, “We will find her, Em.”

The police officer walked over to Emma and Scott.  He looked at Emma and asked, “Excuse miss, are you Emma?  Can we talk to you about your cousin and your conversation this morning?”

Emma turned from Scott’s chest and faced the officer and nodded.  She walked over to some of the chairs on the deck as the others surrounded her and the officer.  She told them everything that she could think of, what Kirstie was wearing, black shorts, a pink t-shirt, and some black beach shoes.  She tells them that she had her phone on her; hair pulled back into a ponytail and had bright pink sunglasses on.  She then drops her head into her lap and cries, “Kirstie.”

Scott leans down to Emma’s level and places his arm around her and she turns into him and continues to cry.  Scott looks at the office hoping this is the last of the questions and said, “Do you need anything else?”

The officer looked at Emma and Scott and said, “That’ll be all for now.  Stay close to the house, and we will find her, miss, we have the best looking for her.  I will call you if I know anything,” and handed Scott his card.

Scott took the card and watched the officer walk off the deck with the others and started canvasing the area from the house to the pier.  They started walking to the other houses on the beach and checking each house between where Pentatonix was staying to the pier.  There were about twenty houses between them and the pier and the police were going to check each and every house along the way, they were convinced that she was nearby since her phone was on the beach.  Emma got up and headed inside to the guest bedroom and she curled up on her bed and got under the blankets and held onto a photo of Kirstie and cried into her pillow.

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