Chapter 7

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(A/N: WOW, ((HUGS))! I was completely amazed and honored at the amount of votes that my story got in just one day - aw, shucks, you guys!! Truly made my day - seriously! Ever have a Tuesday that feels like a Monday... LOL!! Regardless, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I have really enjoyed writing this story even with all of the different POV's switching around. Hopefully, they are flowing okay. Thank you for your comments, reads, and votes! Here's a chapter I'll hope you'll enjoy. Welcome to Chapter 7, longest chapter yet, over 3,500 words!! What? Craziness, I know. A lot goes on in this chapter, almost broke it up into two, but decided not too. Enjoy!!!)

(Kirstie's POV)

Avi and I lost complete track of time. I sat up and looked at my phone. I looked over at Avi who looked so peaceful. "Avi, we should head back, it's almost 12:30. We've been out here for about four hours."

"Wow, really," Avi says and then sits up and stretches. "I was completely relaxing and just enjoying the company." He smiles over at me and I feel my heart race a little bit. I stand up and say, "Come on.. Let's go. I want to shower and change before Emma gets here."

Avi slowly gets up and we both start to gather all of the beach supplies. We leave the chairs and umbrella because no one seemed to bother them. We headed back inside and Avi stops me before we get too close to the house and says, "I really did have a wonderful beach date with you."

"It was a pretty great first date," I say smiling.

He leans down and softly kisses me leaving me only wanting more. I smile as he kisses me and kiss him back as well. We pull apart and head towards the house. I feel as if I'm on cloud nine and nothing could get me down even if it tried. As we got closer to the house, I darted in and grabbed a water bottle and headed to my room to shower. I lock the door and head into the shower and let the hot water wash away all the sunscreen and sand. I get out and change into some shorts and a sleeveless top. I put some gel into my hair to let the wave not get too

frizzy and dry a little bit. I don't really need any makeup because I've been able to get so much sun already. I put some moisturizer on and some lip gloss and I grab some ballet flats. I opt for my flats, even though they will make me a little shorter than my normal height that everyone is used too. I normally wear heels or wedges. I head out into the living room area and see that Scott was making everyone some lunch.

"Wow, Scott, this is nice of you," I say as I walk up to the counter in the kitchen. Scott looks over at me and then at my feet and smiles, "Hey shorty."

"Hey." I shot back, "I can't help it if I'm not freakishly tall like you."

"Only kidding," he looked over at me.

"Did you and Avi have a good time at the beach; y'all were out there for hours." Scott said as he continued making turkey and cheese sandwiches.

"Yes, it was perfect," I say as I look around the room for him. He must be in his room still getting ready.

"I'm so glad, K. Hey, when does Emma get here?" Scott asked.

"I don't know. I was going to call her in a bit and see when she was planning on getting here. Between you and me, I'm a little nervous about Olivia. I hope that this is going to be okay." I say.

"Too late now," Scott said and then added with a smile, "I'm sure that it'll be fine."

Avi comes out and comes over and grabs a sandwich and says, "Thanks Scott, I was starving."

Scott smirks, "I wasn't finished, I'm still working on the last one, Avi."

"Says the person who was stealing bacon this morning. Hmmm.." Avi said with a laugh.

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