She's the good in the bad, he's the bad in the good. They fit together well, but it will be at a price that I don't think either of them will be able to handle. 

Charlie's POV

Time seems to be going by quickly now that I'm home. I've been able to get cleaning and homework done, and soon enough it was time for me to shower and get ready for bed. I made it through the showering process, successfully changing. My entire being broke down into sobs and aching at the events that happened today. No matter how much I say I want him gone, I know I don't. I started to look forward to seeing him in a time period, to talk to him. He threw it all away because he got scared that someone wasn't scared of his baggage. Sleep eventually took over, forcing me to stop the overthinking and anger. 

I woke to the silence of my house, the unusual silence. Typically there's a fan going in my room, and it only turns off if the power goes out, or is cut. The power was definitely out and I was alone, not a good equation. There wasn't much alarm to the events, so exhaustion got the best of me again. The next time that I woke, I was in my bed, but I was restricted. Blinking my eyes, I took in all the aspects to the situation around me. Random colognes surrounded me, noise surrounded me, my arms and legs were bound. The people in the room kidnapped me in my own home. 

"She's awake." Whispered around the room before I heard someone's chuckle.

"Too much of the chemical makes you pass out, similar to what you did." They drugged me? I thought I was just really tired. How did I not hear them? How did I not feel them near me? "Just wake up for a few minutes, you'll need your bearings for this little chat." It was a male voice, it was menacing. "You're a very cute sleeper, I had to hold my dogs off to let you come to naturally. It wasn't easy." He sighed and sat forward in my office chair. They were wolves, they carried themselves in the way most people in my life did. 

"Let us have a little fun." A male touched  me gently, grazing over my leg. He earned a kick that set him on his a**. He got up and grabbed me roughly by the shirt, bringing me close to his face. "Watch it you stupid little girl, no one is here to protect you this time." So they were with those other few from before...

"Enough." The main male spoke with a snap, standing up. I attempted to keep fear from bubbling up and revealing itself to these things in my room. The man slid his hand up my leg slowly, going under the shorts slightly, before gripping my face tightly. "I told you she was mine entirely. That Alpha wanna-be won't know what hit him when I'm done with you." His grin was sickening. 

Their attempts were relentless in the painstaking hours that followed the initial contact. They moved me from the bed to a chair, to the floor, or hanging over my own balcony. All in efforts to find a single answer that they attempted to in many questions, but to their disappointment, I didn't budge on staying silent.

"Just break already you puny human!" The main male snarled in my face, he's not doing a great job at interrogation. I was empty up to the point of him bringing his claws dangerously close to my neck. If he killed me, my last action on Earth will be one of fear and anger. That's not how I want to go out, not without talking like adults. Not without telling Matty that I love him. Not without talking to my friends first. Not even without telling Greyson something I've held in for so long... "All you have to do is spill on the situation, then we let you go." Bull, I've seen their faces. 

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