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They arrived outside the house, Oskar was leaning against the wall with a red cup in his hand.
"Hey Oskar!" Star waved at him and walked over to greet him, "your friend has a nice place." Star looked around in amazement.
"Thanks Star, he's in the living room if you wanna speak to him," Oskar winked and pointed to the front door, before taking a huge slurp of his drink.
They both went inside and Marco cupped Star's face in his hands. She smiled gently and patted his back.
"Hey guys," a surprisingly tall boy walked over to them, "you must be Star and and Marco right? Oskar has told me all about you," he smiled kindly and offered them a drink each.
The boy looked nearly identical to Oskar, but his hair was cut shorter and he had a different style- which was obvious.
They took the drinks and thanked him.
"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself properly have I? My name is Noah, and this is my house," he chuckled to himself quietly.
Star took a sip of the drink and spat it straight back into the cup, "What is this stuff?"
Marco chuckled and took a sip, "it's red wine, Star."
Star put the cup on the nearby coffee table.
The living room was very exquisite and it looked like Noah had spent a ton of money on it. Everything was designer and looked extremely modern. His entire house felt like you could get lost so easily if you took one wrong turn.
"Star? Can we dance?" Marco held out his hand and Star took it daintily.
Star giggled as Marco pulled her onto the imaginary dance floor and twirled her around.
They dance for what seemed like hours before sharing a delicate kiss. Star closed her eyes and made the most of the special moment. The background noise of rowdy teens faded out around them.


"Marco... I'm tired," Star whined.
"Can we stay a little longer?" This party is great!" Marco threw his fist into the air.
Star chuckled quietly, "fine..."
Marco hugged Star tightly and ran off to get a drink of water.
Suddenly, Star got a phone call from her mother, she rushed to a quiet place to answer it, which happened to be a nearby bedroom.
She sat down and answered the call, "Hello?"
"Star, do you have time to talk, this is urgent!"
"Umm, yeah I guess."
"How many people know about Mewni?" Moon stuttered.
"Just Marco, why?"
Moon sighed in relief, "Nothing, it's just we don't want another war like last time..."
The door opened and Noah walked in.
"Mum, I have to go, but can I call you later?"
"It's fine, that's all I wanted to talk about, see you soon, Butterfly."
Moon hung up the phone and Star turned to face Noah.
"Sorry, am I disturbing you, I can leave if you like?" Noah turned to leave.
"No, it's okay, what's up?" Star patted the seat next to her and Noah sat down.
"Nothing, I just came to see what's going on, are you enjoying the party?" 
"Yeah, it's pretty good, I know Marco is enjoying himself, I actually have no idea where he is!" Star chuckled.
"I saw him in the kitchen with Oskar," Noah shrugged, "I don't know where he is now though."
Star nodded, "it's okay, I can always call him."
"Are you staying in the nearby university?"
"Yeah, it sucks there," Star sighed heavily and held her forehead- she had developed a headache from all the noise.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I just have a headache, that's all," Star sniffed and turned to face him.
Noah didn't say anything, instead, he got up and headed to the door, opening it, "you coming?" He said quietly.
Star nodded and followed him.
"Hey, there you are Star! Where have you been?" Marco looked came over and pulled Star into a hug, before taking a look at Noah and then back at Star.
"I had to go to a quiet place to talk to my mum, and then I was speaking to Noah for a while," Star smiled, she was happy to see Marco again, his presence made her feel comfortable, even in the loud and crowded area they were in.
"Anyway guys, you have fun, I've gotta go find Oskar," Noah waved at the pair and disappeared into the crowd.
Marco held his hand out for Star and took her to the kitchen.
Star took a seat on a bar stool and spun it around so she could face Marco.

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