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I was hesitant about leaving my boys with some strangers but I didn't have no where else to take them.

"Don't worry Stacy. McDreamy will take good care of your boys." Jasmine smiled at the nickname she gave Tanner.

"Shut up Jasmine." I smiled at the mention of the ridiculous name.

"Sooo I'm assuming that you want to come alone tomorrow when you check up on the boys?"

"If you want to tag along its fine."

"I'll gladly take up that offer." Jasmine blew me a kiss as we pulled up into the hotel.

There were bellhop boys ready to take my truck and our bags. They helped us off the truck and lead us inside so I would check us in.

"Good evening Ms. Stacy, I'm Mr. Harper and I have the honor of serving you during your stay here in Oklahoma." The manager beamed me the big smile that I was used to seeing from anyone who met me for the first time.

"Thank you Mr. Harper, it's a pleasure to be here. I'm sorry for my urgency but my cousin and I have had a long drive so if you would be so kind into checking us in."

"Yes of course Ms. Stacy." Mr. Harper went to get us our key cards as Jasmine went to go call Nicky letting him know we arrived. "Here you are Ms. Stacy. " Harper handed me two key cards as he walked back to the front desk.

"Thank you. What room was booked for me?"

"On our records it shows that the pent house was rented out for you."

"Of course. Can you tell me if Arthur has checked in already?"

"No ma'am he hasnt. I believe he called about 20 minutes ago saying that he was gonna be delayed due to traffic."

"Ok oh thank you so much for your help Mr. Harper."

"My pleasure Ms. Stacy.  I'll have the bellhop boys take your luggage up to your suite."

I flashed him a smile as I walked over to give Jasmine her key card. We both made our way to the elevator as she kept talking on the phone. After a few minutes Jasmine said her goodbyes and hung up the phone and turned to me. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the elevator wall.

"Its been a long way up hasn't it?" 

"Arthur booked up the pent house again."

"Ah. That explains it."

I opened my eyes and turned to face her.

"Why do you think Arthur does all this stuff?" I asked Jasmine.

"He wants you to change your mind."

"What do you mean?"

"Stacy the thing about you is that you like living the high life but up to a certain point. He does all this stuff to try to change your mind about the limit you have on high living."

"It's just annoys me when he goes over board sometimes."

"He doesn't go over board Stacy."

The elevator dinged, signaling that we had arrived. We made our way to the pent house doors and Jasmine used her card to open it while I was looking for something in my bag.

"Maybe he does go over board sometimes."

I walked into the suite to see a butler waiting by the door with a silver tray on his hand which held an envelope.  The butler smiled as he held out the tray for me to retrieve the contents it held. I grabbed the envelope and smiled to him as I walked into the living room.

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