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"You best pull over sweetheart because he isn't gonna get off ur ass." Jasmine smiled as she put on her sunglasses.

"Ugh." I exited the highway and pulled into a truck stop where I parked my truck and saw Arthur follow suit.

Arthur got off his car and slammed the door before making his way up to my window. I rolled it down and look down at him since my truck was lifted.

"Stacy get off the truck now!" I willingly got off the truck and stood infront of Arthur with my arms crossed infront of my chest.

"Yes Arthur?"

"Don't act smart with me! Now give me an explanation."

"Like you always say, we have a schedule to stick to."

"Don't think I won't call this whole thing off young lady!"

"Please do! You will be doing me a favor!" I yelled back, I took a deep breath before I spoke again camly. "Let's face it Arthur if you did call this off it wouldn't fire back at me, it would fire back at you."

I saw that I had gotten his attention.

"That's right. Everyone will just see it as the breaking point of a 17 year old girl who needed to get a touch of a normal life. Now let's stop pretending that you will call this whole thing off becuase we both know you wont." I had felt a knot form in my throat and my eyes had gotten water, but thanks to my sunglasses, they weren't visible to Arthur. "Now you can chose to follow me or go ahead of me, but just stop promising something that I can't have because that itself if just torture for me." I walked away from Arthur and climed into my truck.

Jasmine and I drive in silence for 30 minuets before she handed me a tissue. I hadn't bothered to wipe away the tears that fell from my face when I began to drive again. Arthur had stayed standing at the truck stop when I drove away. He hadn't called neither Jasmine or me.

"You said what you had to. Arthur needs to realize when he's pushing your buttons and he needs to know when to limit himself."

"Then why am I the one who feels like s**t?"

Jasmine stayed quiet as I continued to drive. It soon got dark and I was tired from the long drive so Jasmine took over the driving. I soon fell asleep in the passenger seat as the night rolled on.

"Wake up sleeping beauty. We are at IHOP so we can get some break and feed the boys." Jasmine patted my leg before getting out of the truck to give me some time for myself to see how bad the damage was. I sat up on the seat and pulled down the mirror to look at my face. My hair looked decent, it needed like a flip or two once I got off the truck but I will still wear a cowgirl hat. I took off my glasses to find red puffy eyes staring back at me.

"Shades it is." I put my shades back on and got off the truck to see Jasmine getting a hay bell for the boys.

As I walked to the back of the trailer, the boys popped out their heads to greet me.

"Good morning me beauties." I kissed each of my boys before helping Jamie with the hay.

"You feeling better hun?"

"Yeah just as long as I keep the shades on I'll be fine."

"Good because you have some fans." She smiled at me before closing the trailer. And sure enough I heard the pitter patter of little feet.

"Hi Stacy!" I smiled and turned to see 5 little girls and two boys.

"Well hello there sweetheart. What can I do for you darlings today?" I smiled big as they beamed me big smiles.

"May we have your signature?" asked the smallest one.

"Of course darling." I smiled as they handed me there little booklets and a Sharpie marker. They all looked star struck as I signed all there booklets and looked at there parents.

"is it ok if we take a few pictures Ms. Stacy?" one of the smiling parents asked.

"Yes of course." I bent down and smiled and the kids crowded me.

Deep down I knew this was the main reason I loved riding. I had so many little believers and I would hate to let them down. After a few pictures, the parents took their kids to their vehicles and I made my way to the restaurant when the smallest little girl came running to me and started pulling my jeans. I turned and looked down at her.

"Ms. Stacy I'm a big fan of you and I would love to see you in Oklahoma but my mom says we can't since we don't have any money so I wanted to wish you luck." I got down on one knee and looked down at her.

"What's your name little munchkin?"

"Elizabeth." She blushed as she looked down and started shuffling her feet.

"Elizabeth get back here! Don't be bothering Stacy!"

"No its fine ma'am." I looked up at her then back at the little girl. "I'll tell you what Miss. Elizabeth, you show the guards this hat at the gates, they will let you in and you won't worry 'bout a thing." I took the hat off my head and placed it on her head. She smiled so wide that I could help but to smile as well.

"Gosh Ms. Stacy thank you." She gave me a big hug before returning to her mom who was waiting for her to return. I smiled to her and walked inside to see Jasmine looking outside the window to the cars driving off.

"Stacy why do you put up with everything that Arthur puts you though? "

"Becuase I would be less than ordinary without him."

She turned to look at me and reached across the table to hold my hand.

"You are more to them than a hero." She smiled as she squeezed my hand.

"But even a hero has to take a day off." I squeezed back her hand before the waiter brought us our food. Both Jasmine and I ate in silence and arrived to Oklahoma without a single word being said.

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