A New Chapter

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Ugh I hate weekends. I know every normal teenager loves the weekend because they get to go out and party or they go out of town to visit some kind of tour attraction but no not me. I wasn't normal. I was an all time rodeo champion, rodeo princess, MMA fighter, and a cheer captain, and I had a reputation to uphold. My uncle Arthur would be yelling my name soon to wake me up so I can go feed my animals and I can get to practice for the hundredth time this week. Sometimes I hated being related to Arthur. No scratch that. I didn't like having a close relationship with him. He had so many goals for me and him being the father figure i needed, I did everything I could achieve those goals. With luck and God on my side I have been able to achieve every single one of his goals so far. Now that I did more than reach his expectations, he wanted more. Which I have no problem with but I just want a day or two to myself. To do what? I have no idea. Probably sleep all day or eat all day. It's just a suggestion. But for now I could lay on my bed with my eyes closed waiting for Arthur to call me....

Wait a minute. 

I took the pillow off my bed and saw the clock flashing 4:45 am.  Arthur usually calls my name at 4:30.

I slowly got up from my bed so I wouldn't wake my 7 dogs, that magically took over my bed and floor last night, and made my way to the balcony. I saw that the barn light was still on and my horses were still asleep.

Arthur never let's me sleep in. I got dressed and went outside to feed my horses.

"Rise and shine beauties!" I grabbed a bucket of feed and made my way to the first stall. "Good morning King Leonidas." I opened his stall and poured some feed into his tray. He nibbled at my hair lazily showing me he was still sleepy. "I know hun I'm sleepy too." I kissed his nose before moving on to the next stall.

I fed all my horses and cleaned all the stalls.

"Do you guys know where tio Arthur is?" They shook their head in response.  "Hmm I thought so. Don't forget today is shower day." I turned off the barn light as the sun was coming out and was soon greeted by my dogs running to me making sure I didn't forget about them.

"I know I'm coming I'm coming. " I jogged up to the patio and fed all 7 of my monster dogs. Still no sign of Arthur. I took off my boots and went inside. My maid Lindy was making me some breakfast as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Ms. Stacy."

"Good morning Lindy. Have you seen Arthur?"

"No Ms. Stacy he hasn't arrived."

"Ok thanks Lindy. By the way breakfast smells good." I went upstairs to check my phone to see if he called me or texted me. Ew my room is a mess and where is my phone? I starred cleaning my room to find my phone. Mainly because I didn't want to give Lindy more house work. Lindy has been with me since I was 6 and now I'm 17, she's like my best friend. I know rich girl problems but Arthur hired her when he bought this house for me. Arthur's real daughter (my cousin) Jasmine was always with her mom when Arthur and her got a divorce so Arthur would treat and spoil me as if I was his daughter. Hence the reason for everything I had.

"Aha! Found you." I took out my phone from under my bed but discovered no messages or phone calls. "What are you up to Arthur?"

I walked out to the balcony to call him when I saw a big black Ford F-250 pull up into the back yard. Arthur jumped out and walked into the house.

"Stacy! Come down! Something arrived for you!"

I came downstairs to find him eatting my breakfast off the plate that Lindy served for me.

"Well good morning tio. Where have you been?"

"I went to go pick up your birthday present."

"My birthday isn't for another 3 months tio."

"Well this is an early present for you." He handed me the keys to the truck that was parked outside.

"Are you sh*ting me? That's my truck?" I tried to hide the excitement in my voice as I smiled.

"Yes it's is. It's a gift from the head sponsor of the Oklahoma rodeo you competed in a few weeks ago."

"Wow that's gre-"

"What's wrong?"

"What's in it for him?"

"Stacy what are you talking about?"

"I don't usually get things like this unless someone wants me or you signed me up for something. So what's it this time?"

"Well he wants you to appear at his youngest granddaughters 6th birthday."

"That's not bad..." I looked at Arthur to see that he was hiding something. "What else does he want tio?"

"He wants you to participate in some kind of annual Oklahoma western parade..."

"And I'm gonna play dumb here and I'm gonna assume that this parade is in Oklahoma?"

"Yes Stacy but you can drive your new truck." He smiled as he turned my head so I can see the beauty of a truck sitting I my backyard.

"Ugh ok I guess."

"Good make sure you pack a dress or two because I want you to meet some people while we are there. You have a charity event and...."

Arthurs voice faded away as I thought of what kind of mess I got myself into now.

A New ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now