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It was obvious to me to be thinking of Tanner while i was around him, but there was always something in the back of my head that kept waiting for me to say something. It wasn't until I was out on the field that I remembered what it was.

I didn't really know anything about Tanner, he only opened up to me a little when we were out at the steam but what did i really know about him? He could literally be some kind of handsome god like Thor or he could be a regular next door boy but in the end, they always did the same thing...they would somehow get forgotten. I didn't really want that to happen to me and him but then again I didn't really have anything with Tanner, he is a ranch hand who is taking care of my horses while I am somewhat celebrity attending benefits and chatting with other celebrities.

Then Gonzalo popped into my head. Ever since I got here and saw Tanners amazingly sculpted body, Gonzalo was nowhere to be found in my mind. Tanner was here in Oklahoma with me but I was going to back to California in a few days and be with Gonzalo. Honestly i had wished that Tanner would go with me, he is a big help with the boys and it isn't everyday that the boys like a guy that works with them; but there's something about Tanner that makes me want to open up to him. And the thought of how angry Gonzalo got when I left him still plays on my mind just like last night when I danced with Tanner.

Before I knew it, my body was running to Tanners office.

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