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I was awoken with the sound of my door opening, I held still with my eyes open and saw my dogs hurry to my bed side and start licking my face.

"Ok ok I'm up." I giggled as I sat up, my dogs jumped onto the bed and layed on me. "We really need to work out a wake up system." They attacked me with kisses as I tried to get up from bed.

I opened up the curtains to let in the sun light. The day looked beautiful and fresh. I smiled and opened the doors leading to the balcony to let in the cool California air.

"Good morning Ms. Stacy." Lindy greeted me with a tray filled with breakfast food.

"Good morning Lindy. Breakfast in bed huh? I haven't had that in years." I sat on one of my sofa chairs as Lindy gave me the tray.

"It was actually Arthur's idea."

"Ah I see. So I'm guessing this is his way of sucking up to me this time?"

"He might have mentioned something like that." She smiled and kissed my head before walking out. Lindy stopped at my doorway and turned back to me. "Ms. Stacy I recommend that you use this sucking up to as a way to stop all the stress in both yours and Arthur's life."

"I haven't thought about that Lindy, thank you. I will take that into consideration." She smiled at me before leaving my room. I looked down to see my boys looking up at me, I put the tray down and let them eat my food as I got up and walked to my closet. I wasn't in any mood to eat something that was Arthur's idea for me. 

I heard a knock on my door and looked over to see Arthur standing in my doorway.

"If you are lost, your office is two doors down." I opened my closet doors and walked into my sanctuary.

"Stacy how long are you going to keep this grudge on me?" Arthur asked as he followed me into my closet.

"How long was the interview?"

"About 5 hours?"

"Ok I'll see u in 5 days." I winked at him and walked into my bathroom, that was connected to my walk in closet, to which I locked the door to so he wouldn't come in.

People would always tell me how they admires my fearlessness. Or my very bluntness. Basically people liked me to be a cold hearted b***h because it was what always kept me on point with what I need to have done. But inside I was a 5 year old girl who just wanted to go to the zoo to see the polar bears play in the water.

I hadn't noticed I was crying until I felt the tears on my chin. I took in a big breath and turned on the shower. Once the water was cold I started to undress myself. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw all the scares my body wore. Most of them from MMA and rodeos because let's face it. Cheerleaders were symbolized as dumb blonds, so I never got scars from cheering, I only got minor bruises. How will a guy ever find this attractive? I was still able to wear dresses but once I put on a bikini all my scars would be shown to the world. I took a cold well needed shower. My body loved the cold water, even in the winter time. I came out of the shower and saw Booboo holding a towel for me.

"Thanks baby." I took the towel from him and kissed his nose. I dried myself off as I walked into my room. Lindy had set out my outfit already. A nice pair of dark blue jeans with a purple flannel shirt and my chocolate brown boots. I put my clothes on and went downstairs to see Lindy cleaning the living room.

"That is a beautiful outfit Ms. Stacy."

"Thank you. It was chosen out by the best." I smiled and winked at her as I walked out to the front to get to my new truck.

Many thoughts were running through my mind as far as getting stuff ready for the trip to Oklahoma, which I would be leaving for today.

"The horse trailer still needs to be hooked up to the truck and then I need to put the horses in and make sure they have fo-"

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Gonzalo standing next to my truck with a yellow rose in his hand.

"Uh..." He turned to see me and he gave me a big smile that made me melt for him, but I composed myself. "What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?"

"Amy told me where you lived and I came to apologize for being a jerk yesterday and telling you off."

"Well you made it clear that you didn't want me to waste my time on you and you were right. I won't so please leave I have a lot of things to do." I walked toward the driver side when he stepped infront of me. God he smelled good. What kind of cologne was that?

"Look Stacy I came all the fuc-" He clenched his jaw and I saw him clench his hand as well. I stepped back because I knew those signs all too well. He was holding back his anger and it looked like he was about to loose it and I didn't want to be in his line of fire when he did. He held out the rose to me and I took it hesitantly.

"Thank you." I smelled the big beautiful yellow rose and I looked up at him to see him looking at me.

"I'm sorry. I came all this way to ask you on a date if you still want to."

"Why a yellow rose?"

"Because your different and it was the only different colored one from the rest."

"Yellow is the color of friendship." I smiled to try and hide my giggle. To great relief he smiled.

"That was not my intention."

"It's fine." I smiled big when I was him soften up. "I'm sorry Gonzalo but like I said before I have stuff to do. I'm leaving today and I need to get things ready."

"Enough said. I understand, but I hope we are still on for when you get back?" He looked at me with pleading blue eyes.

"Of course." He smiled and hugged me. But before he pulled away he kissed me on my lips. I looked up at him, shocked at what just happened.

"A kiss is never asked for, it is always stolen." He winked at me before turning around to walk to his truck.

"I'll let you know that is the only thing you are stealing!" I yelled back smiling as he got into his truck and drove away.

"What is the only thing he is stealing?" Arthur said from behind me.

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