Meeting Dad

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Hey everyone! So glad you came back to read this new chapter. I am trying to write as much as possible for you all. I am pretty sure I will be writing more now that I have graduated from college! YAY! Fingers crossed I don't get distracted by other things. 



Lucas came at the exact time he said he would. We stopped for gas before we left town and headed on our way to the prison. We were mostly quiet as the truck trudged along the road. Sounds of chewing were the only noises you could hear in the truck as we were both snacking on junk food. I got bored and pulled out the new accessory that Richard gave me. I started fiddling with it to see where everything was and how to work it. There wasn't much on it right now, just the basics.

Lucas suddenly disturbed my focus. "What you got there?" He questioned. "A phone. Richard gave it to me this morning. He said he wanted me to have one just in case something happens and so he can find me when needed." I responded while still browsing my options of apps.

"Well, should I be insulted that you didn't ask for my number right away?" Lucas mentioned as he pushed a laugh. Was he joking? He couldn't be serious right?

"No! I just don't even know how to work this thing. Hold on." I said back. I browsed through the full list of apps and came upon contacts. Clicking it a screen pulled up with lines but only one name labeled Richard. At the top of the screen said edit. Clicking sent me to where I needed to go to add contacts. I looked back at Lucas. "Ok, I am ready now," I said smiling at myself for figuring it out. He spouted off a couple of numbers as I jotted them down on the phone. Finally filling It in I added the contact and gave him a text to give him my number.

The truck turned quiet again. I just think he couldn't figure out what to say. I mean I don't blame him I wasn't doing any better. I once again started going through the phone. Already turning into a phone dependent. I decided to go to the search engine and for the first time google the man I was about to meet. For some reason, it was hard to push the search button. I already knew he killed people what could be worse?

My mind is still in shock. It still feels like a dream or a prank. But once I press this button this man becomes real to me. I will have a face to the name. I will have answers. And that is something I wasn't used too. I have gone through my whole life with questions and now my puzzlement will end. Why do I feel like this is a bad thing though?

I finally willed myself to press my thumb down to hit the small magnifying glass. It took a couple of seconds to pop a list of articles about Bradley Moss. A Wikipedia page popped up showing a mugshot of him with some small details next to it. Right away I could tell I had his eyes. Bright green just like mine. But his hair was dark. I must have gotten my red hair from my mom. Of course, he was a lot younger in this photo as he is now. This was taken 18 years ago when he was arrested. I am sure he looks terrible now from being in prison for all these years. I was expecting to see a couple more recent photos of him from appeal court cases, but nothing. I guess the press didn't care about him anymore or he never appealed.

I went into some of the descriptions about him. He was born on October 26th, 1961 making him 56. I continued further getting to know the man I was about to meet better. I saw his hometown, where he went to school, and some other random stuff that I didn't care about after I laid my eyes on something more important than all of it. A couple of lines down I saw the "also known as" section. At first, I saw the name I had become all too familiar with, The White Rose Butcher. But following it was about 10 other names. None of them were real names they were all nicknames like the White Rose Butcher. There was the Bitemark Butcher, The Grave Robber, The Marionette Murderer, and The Wanted Ad Slayer. The list went on. I was assuming that these names were what other states called him. Sadly, I was mistaken when I clicked on one of the names.

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