An Unexpected Alli

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Dr. Targett escorted me into one of the patient rooms. He told me to sit down on the bed while he walked over and sat down at the computer in the room. He was turned away from me typing some stuff on the keyboard. There was a sudden knock at the door that made him turn around and stand up. He walked over to the door and opened it slightly. Someone, I am guessing Nurse Adeline, handed him a clipboard with some papers on them. He flipped through the papers and then looked up at me with a smile. A smile? Is this a genuine smile? It can't be, no one ever smiles at me at least no one other than Lucas now.

Dr. Targett was an older gentleman. I pretty sure he was the doctor who birthed most of everyone in this town. He had grey hair and wore glasses. He was wearing a white lab coat over a sweater and dress pants. He honestly looked kind.

"Well, Ms. Dawson I haven't ever seen you in my clinic before. I see you said that you were attacked last night what happened?" Dr. Targett questioned as he set his clipboard down and grabbed some instrument with a light. He looked at my eyes with a bright light-catching me off guard. Like I said I haven't been to the doctor since I was born in a hospital, so all of this is new to me.

"Well I was sleeping on a bench last night and I was woken up by a masked man strangling me," I said back to him. While he was looking in my other eye.

"I can see that. You are already bruising around your neck. You also have some broken blood vessels around your eyes. You are lucky it seems whoever this was really wanted to hurt you." Dr. Targett responded back to me as he moved my chin up and down looking at my neck.

"He also used his knee to hold me down. I am pretty sore on my chest; I don't know if I am bruised there too because I haven't looked in a mirror left." I said back feeling comfortable with this man.

"Well if you don't mind me looking, I can check to make sure everything is okay." He responded back to me. I nodded my head and laid back on the sanitary tissue paper covering the bed. I lifted my shirt showing my sports bra. He turned around and I could immediately tell how bad it was. His smile disappeared, and a look of concern washed over his face.

"You walked all the way over here like this? Does it hurt badly?" He asked quickly you could tell he was growing more concern.

"Yeah, and yes it hurts a lot," I said tilting my head up trying to get a look at my chest to see how bad it looked. Dr. Targett pushed my sports bra a little out of the way and started lightly touching my ribs.

"This might hurt, but I need to see if you have any broken or fractured ribs." He said looking at me with pity. I nodded and moved my hands to the edge of the foam bed, so I can squeeze it like a stress ball. The doctor placed his hands over the front of my rib cage and started to lightly press into the bruised skin. That first press hurt like a mother I tell you. It was the most painful thing I experienced; I think it was even worse than last night. What made it worse was his hands they were so cold I could have sworn he was a dead person.

He kept going until he had pressed every inch of the bruising waiting to hear a nasty crunch coming from my bones.

"I don't hear or feel anything concerning, but you do have some swelling and that bruise is very bad, so I think whoever did this to you, bruised you to the bone. It is going to hurt for a while. I am going to give you some over the counter pain meds I don't want you to be on something too strong. Also, I am going to prescribe rest. You need to rest with that bruise for a while with ice. Also, please no more sleeping on benches." He said back to me. I awkwardly smiled like sure whatever you say like that was an option.

"Also, I have to ask this. I am sure the answer is no because you came here first before the police, but do you want to report this?" He questioned while sitting down on a swirly stool.

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